N.J. Stat. § 34:1B-157

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 34:1B-157 - Cooperation of South Jersey Port Corporation with authority to effect transfer
a. The South Jersey Port Corporation shall cooperate with the authority in the defeasing, refunding or refinancing of the outstanding obligations of the corporation by the authority as authorized by this act and the corporation shall take such steps as are necessary in order to implement such defeasing, refunding or refinancing.
b. On the transfer date:
(1) All right, title and interest of the South Jersey Port Corporation in its port facilities, except as provided in section 15 of this act, and in any of its records and papers, as well as its assets, funds, obligations and liabilities, are hereby transferred to the authority to be held, used and applied for the purposes of this act.
(2) All powers and duties which hitherto were exercised by the corporation with respect to its port facilities transferred pursuant to this section may henceforth be exercised by the authority. The authority may permit the exercise of these powers and duties by the subsidiary corporation as may be necessary or convenient to operate and maintain the port facilities which are the subject of the lease, management or operational agreement between the authority and the subsidiary corporation authorized pursuant to subsection b. of section 4 of this act.
(3) All moneys transferred pursuant to this act shall be deposited in the "Port Facility Revenue Fund" established by section 6 of this act.
(4) All creditors of the corporation and persons having claims against or contracts with the corporation of any kind or character may enforce such debts, claims and contracts against the authority in the same manner as they might have had against the corporation, and the rights and remedies of such creditors and persons having claims or contracts shall not be limited or restricted in any manner by this act, except as provided in this section. All debts, liabilities, obligations, agreements and covenants of the corporation, except to the extent otherwise specifically provided or established to the contrary in this act, are hereby imposed upon the authority. In continuing the functions and carrying out the contracts, obligations, powers and duties of the corporation, the authority, or the subsidiary corporation, as the case may be, are authorized to act in their own name or in the name of the corporation as may be convenient or advisable under the circumstances from time to time.
(5) The lease, management or operational agreement referred to in paragraph (2) of this subsection shall provide that all officers and employees of the corporation shall be employed by the subsidiary corporation until determined otherwise by that corporation. The employees shall retain all of their rights and benefits under existing collective bargaining agreements or contracts until such time as new or revised agreements or contracts are agreed to or these agreements or contracts shall expire. All existing bargaining agents shall be retained to act on behalf of those employees until such time as the employees shall, pursuant to law, elect to change those agents. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any officer or employee appointed or employed, or any collective bargaining agreement entered into, on or after the effective date of this act.
c. As soon as may be practicable after the transfer date, the authority shall notify the Governor, the presiding officers of each house of the Legislature, and the President of the Delaware River Port Authority that the transfer has occurred, the date of the transfer, and any other information concerning the transfer the authority deems appropriate.
(1) After the transfer date, the subsidiary corporation which has entered into the lease, management or operational agreement shall annually submit to the authority a written report on the carrying out of its responsibilities under the agreement in addition to any other reports as may be required by the agreement. The annual report shall include a financial summary of revenues and expenditures relating to the ports. The report shall also be submitted to the Legislature.
(2) In addition to any other reports required to be submitted to the Legislature, the Delaware River Port Authority shall submit to the Legislature, at least 60 days prior to action taken to authorize or adopt, any plan developed by the Delaware River Port Authority to finance any capital project for the construction, reconstruction, development or improvement of the port facilities located in New Jersey that are operated and maintained by the subsidiary corporation pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1997, c. 150(C.34:1B-144 et al.). Upon the initial submission of such a plan, the authority shall annually thereafter submit written progress reports on the implementation of the plan with the final progress report submitted upon the completion of projects set forth in the initial plan.

N.J.S. § 34:1B-157

L. 1997, c. 150, s. 14.