N.J. Stat. § 34:1B-126

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 34:1B-126 - Business Employment Incentive Program established

There is established the Business Employment Incentive Program to be administered by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. In order to foster job creation in this State, the authority may enter into agreements with businesses to provide business employment incentive grants in accordance with the provisions of this act if it finds that:

a. The project proposed by the business will create, during the term of the agreement, a net increase in employment by the business and its related persons, as defined in section 2 of P.L. 1993, c.170 (C.54:10A-5.5), in the State as provided in section 4 of this act;
b. The project is economically sound and will benefit the people of New Jersey by increasing opportunities for employment and by strengthening New Jersey's economy; and
c. The authority determines that the receipt of the business employment incentive grant will be a material factor in the business' decision to go forward with the project.

N.J.S. § 34:1B-126

L. 1996, c. 26, s. 3.