- Section 30:8-1 - Sheriffs and jailers to receive prisoners; penalty
- Section 30:8-2 - Federal prisoners received; subsistence and keep
- Section 30:8-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 30:8-6 - [Repealed]
- Section 30:8-9 - Deputy keepers or wardens; bonds
- Section 30:8-10 - County jail matrons; appointment, term and compensation
- Section 30:8-11 - Duties of jail matrons
- Section 30:8-12 - Sexes separated; female night guards; appointment
- Section 30:8-13 - Compensation of female guards in counties of the first class
- Section 30:8-13.1 - Minimum and maximum salaries of guards, keepers, industrial officers and guard orderlies in jails, houses of detention and penitentiaries
- Section 30:8-13.1b - Other laws not affected
- Section 30:8-13.2 - Counties of first class over 800,000; compensation of employees
- Section 30:8-13.3 - Repeal; effective date of act
- Section 30:8-13.4 - Counties of first class under 700,000; compensation of employees
- Section 30:8-13.5 - Grant of tenure of office to corrections officer employed in county jail or penitentiary
- Section 30:8-14 - [Repealed]
- Section 30:8-15 - Wardens and physicians for county jails and penitentiaries in counties of first class; terms; vacancies
- Section 30:8-15.1 - Tenure for warden
- Section 30:8-15.2 - Wardens reappointed; tenure; removal
- Section 30:8-16 - Record of prisoners in jails or other penal or reformatory institutions
- Section 30:8-16.1 - Facilities for therapy for persons with substance use disorder during confinement or after discharge; contracts to provide facilities; appropriations and expenditures
- Section 30:8-16.2 - Facilities for treatment of substance use disorder during confinement; appropriations and expenditures
- Section 30:8-16.3 - Short title
- Section 30:8-16.4 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 30:8-16.5 - Financial assistance program for county correctional facilities; eligibility of state prisoners for placement; funding
- Section 30:8-16.6 - Counties; participation; eligibility; placement goals; rules and regulations
- Section 30:8-16.7 - County corrections advisory board; comprehensive plan; contents; application for assistance
- Section 30:8-16.8 - Authority of governing body of county
- Section 30:8-16.9 - Planning grant
- Section 30:8-16.10 - Amount of financial assistance grant
- Section 30:8-16.11 - Annual review by commissioner; county books, records, etc.; examination
- Section 30:8-16.12 - Rules and regulations
- Section 30:8-16.13 - Ensurance of provision of certain medications
- Section 30:8-16.14 - Provisions to inmate incarcerated 90 days or longer
- Section 30:8-16.15 - Annual appropriations for prescription medicine
- Section 30:8-16.16 - Provisions to county welfare agency, reentry organization
- Section 30:8-16.18 - Uses of inmate's county correctional facility identification card
- Section 30:8-16.17 - Various online application enrollments; processing, acceptance
- Section 30:8-16.19 - County reentry coordinator
- Section 30:8-16.20 - Recording of data
- Section 30:8-16.21 - Peer counseling program development
- Section 30:8-16.22 - Annual meeting
- Section 30:8-16.23 - Annual appropriations for county reentry coordinator implementations
- Section 30:8-17 - Sheriff to have custody of jails; exception
- Section 30:8-17.1 - Keepers or wardens
- Section 30:8-18.1 - Requirements for corrections officer at county correctional institution
- Section 30:8-18.2 - Applicability of "45-day" rule for violation of internal rules to county correctional police officers
- Section 30:8-19 - Resolution of board of chosen freeholders to take over custody of jails; filing; effect
- Section 30:8-20 - Warden or keeper of county jail; appointment; term; bond; removal
- Section 30:8-21 - Liability for escape of prisoners under civil arrest when surrendered to jail warden
- Section 30:8-22 - Persons committed to jails to be delivered to wardens
- Section 30:8-23 - Rules and regulations; punishments
- Section 30:8-24.1 - Compensation of jail keepers in certain counties of second and fifth classes
- Section 30:8-24.1a - Compensation of jail keepers in second-class counties
- Section 30:8-24.1b - Increase of compensation upon recommendation of county sheriff
- Section 30:8-24.2 - Custody rule, keeping and charge of jails returned to sheriff
- Section 30:8-25 - County jail prisoners employed by chosen freeholders; guards, etc
- Section 30:8-26 - County jail inmates
- Section 30:8-27 - Payment of wages of prisoner to dependents
- Section 30:8-28.4 - Compensation in cash or remission of time from sentence or both
- Section 30:8-29 - Additions to county workhouses; authority of chosen freeholders to establish
- Section 30:8-30 - Conversion of part of jail into workhouse
- Section 30:8-31 - Workhouse as part of jail taken over by chosen freeholders; work of prisoners in
- Section 30:8-32 - Management of workhouse; master and employees; rules and regulations
- Section 30:8-33 - Prisoners who may be sent to workhouse; hard labor
- Section 30:8-34 - Cost of keeping prisoners and expense of materials for their labor
- Section 30:8-35 - [Repealed]
- Section 30:8-36 - [Repealed]
- Section 30:8-37 - Records to be kept by workhouse master; proceeds of labor
- Section 30:8-38 - Penalty for neglect of duty by workhouse master
- Section 30:8-39 - Joint workhouses
- Section 30:8-40 - Employment of workhouse and penitentiary prisoners
- Section 30:8-41 - Rules and regulations for employment of prisoners; guards and attendants; cost of work
- Section 30:8-42 - Workhouse inmates
- Section 30:8-43 - Support of dependents
- Section 30:8-44 - Work release or vocational training of certain prisoners or incarcerated persons
- Section 30:8-44.1 - Ineligibility for work release program
- Section 30:8-45 - Conditions
- Section 30:8-46 - Employment; reasonable wages and hours; employment by county
- Section 30:8-47 - Employment in another county
- Section 30:8-48 - Confinement in jail or workhouse
- Section 30:8-48.1 - Program for housing in institution or facility operated by nonprofit organization; ordinance or resolution; inmates; eligibility; transfers
- Section 30:8-48.2 - Contracts; standards
- Section 30:8-49 - Work release earnings
- Section 30:8-50 - Diminution of term
- Section 30:8-51 - Violation of conditions
- Section 30:8-52 - Segregation from other prisoners
- Section 30:8-53 - Escape or attempt to escape
- Section 30:8-54 - Annual appropriation of funds by counties
- Section 30:8-55 - Use of funds; cash allowances to discharged jail prisoners; contracts with organizations for rehabilitation of indigent discharged jail prisoners
- Section 30:8-56 - Advisory committee on county aid to released prisoners
- Section 30:8-57 - County jail, workhouse or penitentiary in willful and continuous disregard of minimum standards; phased restriction of admission of new inmates; order
- Section 30:8-58 - Location of inmates within other penal facilities
- Section 30:8-59 - Payment by county to department of corrections for reassigned inmates
- Section 30:8-60 - Rules and regulations
- Section 30:8-61 - Short title
- Section 30:8-62 - Findings, declarations relative to county rehabilitative programs for juvenile offenders
- Section 30:8-63 - Definitions relative to juvenile offender rehabilitation programs
- Section 30:8-64 - Establishment, maintenance of juvenile offender rehabilitation program by counties
- Section 30:8-65 - Components of juvenile offender rehabilitation program
- Section 30:8-66 - Admission to juvenile offender program
- Section 30:8-67 - Noncompliance by juvenile offender
- Section 30:8-68 - Determination of parole after program completion
- Section 30:8-69 - Juvenile not relieved from other penalties