N.J. Stat. § 2A:61-21

Current through L. 2023, c. 349.
Section 2A:61-21 - Surplus from sale of real estate deposited in court; use to pay judgments

Whenever there shall be a surplus from the sale of real estate sold by virtue of any order or judgment, and such surplus shall be deposited in the court ordering the sale or in which the judgment was entered, and any person shall hold a judgment in any of the courts of this state against the owner of such real estate or any other person who shall be entitled to such surplus, or any part thereof, the court shall, upon affidavit filed by or in behalf of such judgment creditor, and notice given as required under the practice and procedure of the superior court, and upon proof made to the satisfaction of the court that the residence of the person entitled to such surplus is unknown and cannot be ascertained, order and direct such surplus to be applied upon such judgment, although such creditor was not made defendant in such action, in which case it shall not be necessary that the judgment creditor be admitted as a party defendant in such cause, but such affidavit shall be entitled in the action out of which such surplus was realized. The proof required by this section may be made by affidavit, or otherwise, as the court shall direct.

N.J.S. § 2A:61-21