N.J. Stat. § 22A:2-27

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 22A:2-27 - Fees on appeals to Law Division of Superior Court; use

In cases appealed to the Law Division of the Superior Court from any inferior court or tribunal, criminal or civil, the clerk of the division shall charge a fee of $75.00 for filing a notice of appeal, appeal papers and proceedings, including judgment in the Superior Court or order of dismissal. The clerk shall pay this $75.00 to the treasurer of the county in which the appeal is taken for the use by the county. After December 31, 1994, this $75.00 fee shall be paid to the clerk, for use by the State.

N.J.S. § 22A:2-27

Amended L.1965, c.123, ss.6, 11; L.1985, c.422, s.3; L.1991, c.177, s.13; L.1993, c.276, s.12.