Section 17:48H-20 - Deposit of cash, securitiesa. A licensed organized delivery system shall deposit with the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance, or with an entity or trustee acceptable to the commissioner through which a custodial or controlled account is utilized, cash, securities, or any combination of these or other measures that is acceptable to the commissioner in an amount established by the commissioner, by regulation, which amount shall be adjusted annually by the commissioner in accordance with changes in the Consumer Price Index. The deposit shall be deemed an admitted asset of the system in the determination of net worth.b. All income from deposits shall be an asset of the licensed organized delivery system. A licensed organized delivery system may withdraw a deposit or any part thereof after making a substitute deposit of equal amount and value, except that a security may not be substituted unless it has been approved by the commissioner.c. If a licensed organized delivery system is placed in rehabilitation or liquidation, the deposit shall be treated as an asset subject to the provisions of P.L. 1992, c.65 (C.17B:32-31 et seq.).