N.J. Stat. § 13:1E-48.24

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 13:1E-48.24 - Reward to informant

A member of the public who supplies information to an enforcing authority that proximately results in the imposition and collection of a civil penalty as the result of a civil action brought pursuant to subsection f. of section 20 of this act, or any rule or regulation adopted, administrative order issued, or assessment imposed pursuant thereto, or the imposition and collection of a criminal penalty as a result of a criminal action brought pursuant to subsection g., h., i., or j. of section 20 of this act, shall be entitled to a reward of 10% of the penalty collected, or $250, whichever amount is greater. The reward shall be paid by the appropriate department from any money received by the department pursuant to section 20 of this act. The Attorney General shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," rules and regulations necessary to implement this section, including procedures to provide for the protection of the identity of persons providing information to an enforcing authority concerning a violation of this act in appropriate circumstances.

N.J.S. § 13:1E-48.24

L.1989, c.34, s.24.