N.H. Rev. Stat. § 112:9

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 112:9 - State Employees
I. Any regular employee of the state of New Hampshire who is a member of any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or of this state shall, upon request, be entitled to not more than 15 days leave of absence with pay in any one training year for the purpose of engaging in military drill, training, or other temporary duty under military or naval authority. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any such employee who has been inducted or has enlisted in active service in the armed forces of the United States.
II. Any regular employee of the state of New Hampshire who uses 15 days leave of absence under paragraph I shall, in addition, be entitled to up to 30 days of partial pay, as defined in RSA 110-B:37, IV(a), for any additional military drill or training under military or naval authority.

RSA 112:9

Amended by 2014, 118:1, eff. 8/15/2014.

1947, 109:1. 1951, 121:1, par. 21. RSA 112:9. 1967, 168:1. 1983, 276:8, eff. Aug. 17, 1983. 2014, 118:1, eff. Aug. 15, 2014.