N.H. Rev. Stat. § 111:6

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 111:6 - Organization; Rules and Regulations

The provisions of RSA 110-B authorizing the enlistment, organization, administration, equipment, maintenance, training, discipline and other matters pertaining to the military department of the state, the unorganized militia, and the national guard when not in the service of the United States, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, are hereby extended in each instance where appropriate to include and are made applicable to the state guard authorized under the provisions hereof; provided, that regulations hereby authorized to be issued by the adjutant general relative to the state guard shall conform in matters of training and discipline to policies and instructions promulgated by the Secretary of Defense of the United States.

RSA 111:6

1941, 46:6. RL 144:6. RSA 111:6. 1975, 14:5. 1981, 327:3, eff. Aug. 16, 1981.