N.H. Rev. Stat. § 673:2

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 673:2 - Planning Board
(a) In cities, the planning board shall consist of 9 members:
(1) The mayor of the city, or with the approval of the local legislative body the mayor's designee, who shall be an ex officio member;
(2) An administrative official of the city selected by the mayor, who shall be an ex officio member;
(3) A member of the city council selected by the council, who shall be an ex officio member; and
(4) Six persons appointed by the mayor, if the mayor is an elected official, or such other method of appointment or election as shall be provided for by the local legislative body or municipal charter.
(b) Alternatively, the local legislative body in a city with a city council-city manager form of government may establish a planning board with membership as provided in paragraph I-a.
I-a. In cities with a city council-city manager form of government, the planning board may consist of the following 9 members:
(a) The city manager, or with the approval of the local legislative body the city manager's designee, who shall be an ex officio member;
(b) A member of the city council selected by the council, who shall be an ex officio member; and
(c) Seven persons appointed by the mayor, if the mayor is an elected official, or such other method of appointment or election as shall be provided for by the local legislative body or municipal charter.
I-b. In towns which operate under the town council form of government, the planning board shall consist of 7 or 9 members, as determined by the local legislative body or by the municipal charter. If the planning board shall consist of 9 members, the members shall be the persons listed in paragraph I. If the planning board shall consist of 7 members, the members shall be as follows:
(a) A member of the town council or administrative official of the town selected by the town council, who shall be an ex officio member; and
(b) Six persons appointed by the mayor, if the mayor is an elected official, or such other method of appointment or election as shall be provided for by the local legislative body or municipal charter.
II. In other towns, the planning board shall consist of 5 or 7 members as determined by the local legislative body. The membership shall be filled by one of the following procedures:
(a) The selectmen shall designate one selectman or administrative official of the town as an ex officio member and appoint 4 or 6 other persons who are residents of the town, as appropriate; or
(b) The local legislative body may decide, by majority vote at the town meeting, that planning board members shall be elected according to either the procedure in subparagraph (1) or in subparagraph (2). The official ballot shall be used on every referendum for the adoption of RSA 673:2, II(b)(1) or (2), and every subsequent rescission of such adoption pursuant to subparagraph (c). The wording on the official ballot of any referendum for the adoption of RSA 673:2, II(b)(1) or (2) shall specifically state which procedure for electing planning board members is being voted upon. Following the majority vote at town meeting, planning board members shall be elected as follows:
(1) The selectmen shall choose one selectman or administrative official of the town as an ex officio member and the remaining planning board positions shall be filled at the next regular town election pursuant to RSA 669:17. Thereafter, a planning board member shall be elected for the term provided under RSA 673:5, II; or
(2) The selectmen shall choose one selectman or administrative official of the town as an ex officio member and the remaining planning board positions shall be filled on a staggered basis at the subsequent regular town elections pursuant to RSA 669:17 as the term of an appointed member expires, until each member of the board is an elected member. The maximum number of elections to occur annually shall be as provided in RSA 673:5, II. When each planning board member is an elected member, such member shall be elected for the term provided in RSA 673:5, II.
(c) A local legislative body which has voted to elect planning board members may, by majority vote at town meeting, decide to rescind that action and have the planning board appointed in the manner set forth in subparagraph (a). The vote to have planning board members so appointed shall take effect upon adoption by the town meeting, and the selectmen shall forthwith appoint members in accordance with RSA 673:5. The planning board shall, however, continue in existence, and the elected members in office at the time of the town meeting vote to appoint members may continue to serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
III. In village districts, the planning board shall consist of either 5 or 7 members as determined by the village district meeting. The district commissioners shall:
(a) Designate one district commissioner or administrative official of the district as an ex officio member; and
(b) Appoint 4 or 6 other persons who are residents of the village district, as appropriate.
IV. In counties in which there are located unincorporated towns or unorganized places, the planning board shall consist of 5 or 9 members. The county commissioners shall recommend appointees to the planning board, and the appointees shall be approved by the county delegation. Planning board members shall be residents of the county, and shall be evenly distributed geographically throughout the county. The membership of the planning board shall be as follows:
(a) The chairperson of the board of county commissioners or designee shall be an ex officio member.
(b) A member of the county convention selected by the convention shall be an ex officio member.
(c) An administrative official of the county selected by the chairperson of the board of county commissioners shall be an ex officio member.
(d) Two or 6 persons appointed by the board of county commissioners and approved by the county convention.
(e) One or 3 alternates appointed by the board of county commissioners and approved by the county convention.

RSA 673:2

1983, 447:1. 1987, 255:1. 1989, 266:9. 1991, 377:4. 1992, 89:1, 2. 1993, 69:1. 1996, 42:1-4; 181:1. 2000, 107:1, eff. July 7, 2000.