N.H. Rev. Stat. § 622:7

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 622:7 - Duties of Commissioner of Corrections

It shall be the duty of the commissioner of corrections:

I. To receive, safely keep, and employ in the prisons all convicts pursuant to their sentence and until discharged according to law. The commissioner may employ convicts outside of the prison walls, upon terms to be prescribed by the commissioner. A prisoner, while so employed, or while going to or from the prisons in connection with such employment, shall be deemed to be in prison as far as all laws relating to escape, attempts to escape, and aiding escape are concerned.
II. To have the custody and superintendence of all persons confined in the prisons, and of all property belonging thereto.
III. To obey and enforce all orders, bylaws, and regulations which the commissioner may make for the management of the prisons.
IV. To command the military guard for the prisons.
V. To be the fiscal officer of the prisons.
VI. To keep a regular and true account upon the books of the prisons of all money received and expended on account of the prisons and of all their concerns.
VII. Not to be a contractor for the prisons and not to be interested in any contract therewith.
VIII. [Repealed.]
IX. To conduct and manage the industries at the prisons.
X. To conduct and manage the educational program of the prisons.

RSA 622:7

RS 227:6. CS 242:6. GS 270:6. GL 288:6. PS 285:7. 1917, 45:2. PL 400 :8. 1927, 101:2. 1941, 15:1. RL 464:8. RSA 622:7. 1977, 600:36. 1988, 170:4, I, eff. June 25, 1988. 1998, 386:5, eff. Aug. 26, 1998.