In addition to the increase provided in RSA 99:1, further increase shall be made to the following classified employees:
RSA 99:2
1950, 9:1, par. 7. 1953, 266:12. RSA 99:2. 1965, 164:2. 1969, 275:1. 1971, 460:1, 2; 505:2. 1972, 60:73. 1973, 344:1; 421:1. 1974, 29:1. 1977, 388:1; 600:76. 1979, 434:48, 55, 58, 82. 1982, 42:46. 1985, 399:3, I. 1986, 135:1, I-VI, 2. 1994, 158:16, eff. May 23, 1994.