Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 597:17 - Term and Identification CardI. Bail commissioners shall be commissioned for 5 years and continue in office until their successors shall have qualified. A bail commissioner's appointment may be revoked for cause at any time during the term of his or her appointment by the chief justice of the supreme court or the chief justice's designee.II. The judicial branch shall issue an identification card to each qualified bail commissioner in the state. The identification card shall be made of a durable material similar to that of a driver's license, and shall contain a photograph of the bail commissioner, the terms and dates of the bail commissioner's appointment, and any other information deemed necessary by the judicial branch. The judicial branch may enter into an agreement, through an interagency memorandum of understanding or any other appropriate mechanism, with the department of safety, division of motor vehicles to facilitate the production and issuance of the identification card. Amended by 2024, 317:10, eff. 1/1/2025.Amended by 2020 , 12: 12, eff. 7/16/2020.1895, 37:2. PL 366 :28. RL 425:28. 2020, 12 : 12 , eff. July 16, 2020.