N.H. Rev. Stat. § 485:4

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 485:4 - Power to Require Improvements
I. The department is empowered to investigate the sanitary conditions and methods pertaining to the source, treatment, and distribution of all public water supplies for domestic use, and to require the application of any treatment or improvement in conditions and methods as it may deem necessary to insure fitness and safety and adequate protection of the public health. If the department determines that improvements are necessary, the municipality, corporation, or person shall be so notified in writing and the requirements so ordered shall be effected pursuant to RSA 38:25 within a reasonable time to be fixed by the department. Appeals of actions of the department may be made as provided in RSA 485:59. The department may set intermediate goals and time frames to assist municipalities, corporations, or persons to abide by an order of the department under this paragraph.
II. Upon complaint of not less than 10 customers of an existing public water system or not less than 10 residents not currently served by a public water supply, the department shall make an investigation of conditions regarding water quality or quantity problems described in the complaint. If, as a result of any such investigation, the department concludes that a significant public health or safety problem exists due to water supply quality or quantity, it shall perform a preliminary analysis of alternatives which address the problem. The department may request additional information from the complainants and nearby public water supply system owners, such as data on water supply quality and quantity, well characteristics, and water distribution system characteristics, as is necessary to perform its investigation and analysis. If the department determines that an extension of water service from an existing public water supply system to the area of impaired water quality or quantity is the most feasible and cost-effective alternative, that the extension is consistent with municipal master planning, local water system policies and rules, RSA 9-B, and RSA 162-C:2, V, and that the existing public water system has adequate water supply and system capacity to serve the problem area, the municipality, corporation, or person who owns the public water system shall be ordered to allow connection to its water distribution system from the identified area, regardless of existing municipal or public water system service area boundaries. The connection so ordered shall be effected pursuant to RSA 38:25 within a reasonable time to be fixed by the department and may contain limitations on water system connections unrelated to the original petition in order to limit unintended land use impacts. Appeals of actions of the department may be made as provided in RSA 485:59. The department may set intermediate goals and time frames to assist municipalities, corporations, or persons to abide by an order of the department under this paragraph. The provisions of this paragraph or of any order issued under this paragraph shall not delegate any costs associated with a connection to the person receiving the order from the department.
III. The department may investigate the sanitary conditions and methods pertaining to pumper stations, piping, storage, and treatment facilities of privately owned redistribution systems which present a threat to public health and safety. If the department determines that action, such as disinfection, is necessary, the municipality, corporation, or person shall be so notified in writing and the action so ordered shall be effected within a reasonable time to be fixed by the department. Replacement of existing infrastructure shall only be required in response to a specific public health threat. Appeals of actions of the department may be made under RSA 485:59. The department may set intermediate goals and time frames to assist municipalities, corporations, or persons to abide by an order of the department under this paragraph.

RSA 485:4

1989, 339:1. 1990, 33:1. 1995, 88:1. 1996, 228:106. 1997, 206:6. 2002, 141 : 3 . 2008, 279 : 4 , eff. July 1, 2009.