N.H. Rev. Stat. § 79-F:2

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 79-F:2 - Local Adoption of This Chapter
I. Any municipality may adopt the provisions of this chapter by vote of its legislative body. Any city or town may do so by following the procedures in this section.
II. In a town, other than a town that has adopted a charter pursuant to RSA 49-D, the question shall be placed on the warrant of the annual town meeting, by the governing body or by petition under RSA 39:3.
III. In a city or town that has adopted a charter under RSA 49-C or RSA 49-D, the legislative body may consider and act upon the question in accordance with its normal procedures for passage of resolutions, ordinances, and other legislation. In the alternative, the legislative body of such municipality may vote to place the question on the official ballot for any regular municipal election.
IV. If a majority of those voting on the question vote "yes," the provisions of this chapter shall take effect on April 1 following the vote, subject to the provisions of paragraph VI of this section.
V. If the question is not approved, the question may later be voted on according to the provisions of paragraph II or III of this section, whichever applies.
VI. A municipality that has adopted this program may consider rescinding its action in the manner described in paragraph II or III of this section, whichever applies.

RSA 79-F:2

2008, 390 : 1 , eff. July 17, 2008.