N.H. Rev. Stat. § 365:8

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 365:8 - Rulemaking Authority
I. The commission shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
(a) The conduct of its hearings, including alternative processes in hearings and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.
(b) Standards and procedures for streamlined review or other alternative processes to enhance the efficiency of the commission and respond to the needs of the utility's ratepayers and shareholders.
(c) Standards and procedures for the creation, monitoring and evaluation of alternative forms of regulation.
(d) Standards and procedures for the handling of confidential information, in accordance with RSA 91-A.
(e) Standards and procedures for filing requirements for tariffs, engineering, accounting, and other commission matters.
(f) Standards and procedures for franchise terms and conditions, including extended area telephone service.
(g) Standards and procedures for safe and reliable utility service and termination of service subject to RSA 363-B.
(h) Standards and procedures for matters related to the proper administration of RSA 366 relative to utility relations with affiliates.
(i) Standards and procedures relative to a reasonable amount of the short-term notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness based upon the amount of the utility's respective plant investment which each utility shall not exceed without first obtaining the approval of the commission pursuant to RSA 369:7.
(j) Standards and procedures for determination and recovery of rate proceedings expenses.
(k) Standards and procedures for the conduct of investigations authorized under this title.
(l) Procedures necessary to provide for the proper administration of and to further the purposes of this title.
(m) [Repealed.]
(n) Standards and procedures for public utilities to request protection of routine filings that contain confidential commercial or financial information.
II. Where the commission has adopted rules in conformity with this section, proceedings before the commission shall not be subject to RSA 541-A:29 or RSA 541-A:29-a.

RSA 365:8

Amended by 2021 , 91: §§249, 250 eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by 2018 , 279: 18, eff. 1/1/2019.

1911, 164:2. PL 238 :9. RL 287:9. 1951, 203:11 par. 8. RSA 365:8. 1981, 220:4. 1994, 193:1. 2005, 102 : 1 , eff. June 15, 2005. 2010, 206 : 2 , eff. June 22, 2010; 336:3, eff. Oct. 18, 2010. 2018, 279 : 18 , eff. Jan. 1, 2019. 2021, 91 : 249 , 250, eff. July 1, 2021.