N.H. Rev. Stat. § 33:8-a

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 33:8-a - Procedure for Authorizing Bonds or Notes in Excess of $100,000
I. There shall be at least one public hearing concerning any proposed municipal bond or note issue in excess of $100,000 held before the governing board of any municipality. Said hearing shall be held at least 15 days, but not more than 60 days prior to the meeting, or adjourned session thereof, at which the bond or note issued is to be voted upon. Notice of the time, place and subject of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least 7 days before it is held. Whenever possible the governing board shall determine the form of the warrant article after the public hearing.
II. All articles appearing in the warrant which propose a bond or note issue exceeding $100,000 shall appear in consecutive numerical order and shall be acted upon prior to other business except the election of officers, action on the adoption, revision, or amendment of a municipal charter, and zoning matters or as otherwise determined by the voters at the meeting. Polls shall remain open and ballots shall be accepted by the moderator on each such article, for a period of not less than one hour following the completion of discussion on each respective article. A separate ballot box shall be provided for each bond article to be voted upon pursuant to this section.
III. The provisions of this section shall not apply to cities nor to any borrowing under the authority of RSA 33:7, relative to tax anticipation notes.
IV. Upon favorable approval on the motion to reconsider the vote on a bond or note issue under paragraphs I and II, actual reconsideration of the bond issue shall not take place until the expiration of at least 7 days from the date on which the original vote on the motion was taken. Notice of time and place where such reconsideration shall take place shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least 2 days before the reconsideration vote. Wherever required, the provisions of RSA 33:8-a shall apply.
V. Bonding authority under this section may be limited or rescinded as provided in RSA 33:8-f.

RSA 33:8-a

Amended by 2014 , 292: 3, eff. 9/30/2014.

1971, 270:1. 1973, 25:1; 543:1. 1979, 43:1. 1983, 160:3, eff. Aug. 9, 1983. 2009, 229 : 2 , eff. Jan. 1, 2010. 2014, 292 : 3 , eff. Sept. 30, 2014.