N.H. Rev. Stat. § 301-B:25

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 301-B:25 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Contentious Forks in the Underlying Blockchain

In the event of a hard fork in the underlying permissionless blockchain:

I. By default, the New Hampshire DAO retains its legal personality and limited liability, and the legal representative remains the legal representative of the majority chain, and any off-chain assets shall belong to the New Hampshire DAO on the majority chain.
II. The New Hampshire DAO may choose to maintain legal presence on a minority chain if it expresses its intent to do so by public signaling, and in that case any off-chain assets shall belong to the New Hampshire DAO on the selected minority chain.
III. The New Hampshire DAO may liquidate its on-chain assets following a hard fork in order to move those assets to the chosen chain.
IV. Alternatively, the New Hampshire DAO may choose to split into multiple legal entities, each on a separate chain, if it communicates by public signaling:
(a) Its intent to do so, and
(b) There is a definitive distribution of off-chain assets between the majority and minority chains.

RSA 301-B:25

Added by 2024, 263:1, eff. 7/1/2025.