N.H. Rev. Stat. § 296:30

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 296:30 - Stock Not Paid in

Every stockholder, except stockholders in railroads, and as provided in RSA 369:16, shall be liable for all debts and contracts of the corporation until the whole amount of the capital fixed and limited by the corporation, or in the event that the corporation has voted to issue stock to an amount less than the whole amount of its authorized capital, the amount which the corporation has voted to issue, shall have been paid in, and a certificate thereof has been filed and recorded as provided in RSA 296:37, and not afterward, except in the cases specified in RSA 294:104.

RSA 296:30

1846, 321:2. CS 147:1. 1856, 1852. GS 135:8. 1869, 39:1. GL 149:8. 1889, 63:1. PS 150:8. 1915, 80:1. PL 228 :2. RL 277:2.