N.H. Rev. Stat. § 265:42

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 265:42 - Required Position; Method of Turning at Intersections

The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows:

I. Right Turns. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
II. Left Turns.
(a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn left shall approach the turn in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of such vehicle. Whenever practicable, a left turn shall be made to the left of the center of the intersection and so as to leave the intersection or other location in the extreme left hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction as such vehicle on the roadway being entered.
(b) The commissioner of transportation and local authorities in their respective jurisdictions may cause traffic signs to be placed and thereby require and direct that a different course from that specified in this section be travelled by turning vehicles. When such signs are so placed, no driver shall drive a vehicle other than as directed and required by such signs.
(c) Where a special lane for making left turns by drivers proceeding in opposite directions has been indicated by official traffic control devices, a left turn shall not be made from any other lane; and a vehicle shall not be driven in the lane except when preparing for or making a left turn from or onto the roadway or when preparing or making a U-turn or other move permitted by law.
III. Left Turns on Other Than 2-Way Roadways. At an intersection where traffic is restricted to one direction on one or more of the roadways, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn left at any such intersection shall approach the intersection in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of such vehicle, and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection, as nearly as practicable, in the left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in such direction upon the roadway being entered.
IV. Local authorities in their respective jurisdictions may cause markers, buttons or signs to be placed within or adjacent to intersections and thereby require and direct that a different course from that specified in this section be traveled by vehicles turning at an intersection, and when markers, buttons or signs are so placed, no driver of a vehicle shall turn a vehicle at an intersection other than as directed and required by such markers, buttons or signs.

RSA 265:42

RSA 262-A:39. 1963, 330:1. 1981, 146:1; 479:39, eff. Jan. 1, 1982 at 12:01 a.m.