N.H. Rev. Stat. § 261:90

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 261:90 - Official Cover Plates

Upon payment of a fee, the director may issue and shall designate official cover plates with the reproduction of the state seal thereon to be affixed to a vehicle of United States senators from this state, representatives to congress from this state, the governor, members of the governor's council, the president of the senate, members of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the clerk of the house of representatives, the clerk of the senate, members of the house of representatives, the attorney general, the secretary of state, the state treasurer, the President of the United States and members of his or her executive staff, and any ambassador or member of the foreign diplomatic corps. The fee for official cover plates shall be $1 in addition to any other number plate manufacturing fee otherwise required. The official cover plates, exclusive of the seal, shall be white with green lettering, which shall alternate with red lettering every other biennium, with the exception of the governor's council plates which shall be white with blue lettering every biennium. Official cover plates shall have the title of the person requesting the plates, except for members of the governor's council whose plates shall have their council district numbers embossed on them, and members of the general court, whose plates shall have their house seat numbers or their senate district numbers embossed on them unless the president of the senate, for members of the senate, or the speaker of the house of representatives, for members of the house of representatives, shall designate a title for their plates. The president of the senate, or a designee, and the speaker of the house of representatives, or a designee, shall provide the director with input as needed on the cover plate design for members of the general court. The director shall not issue more than 2 sets of official cover plates to any person. Official cover plates may be attached only to vehicles registered in the name of the person issued the plates or the name of the spouse of a member of the general court, or any vehicle being operated by a member of the general court.

A cover plate and a regular motor vehicle plate may be displayed simultaneously on the same vehicle, with one plate on the front and the other plate on the rear. Nothing herein shall be construed as affecting the issuance of regular motor vehicle plates and the payment of the registration fee therefor. Official cover plates shall be manufactured at the state prison and the prison shall provide the plates to the department at the prison's cost.

RSA 261:90

Amended by 2024, 257:1, eff. 1/1/2025.
Amended by 2024, 58:1, eff. 8/13/2024.
Amended by 2023, 150:2, eff. 9/26/2023.
Amended by 2019 , 346: 148, eff. 7/1/2019.
Amended by 2016 , 145: 1, eff. 7/26/2016.

RSA 260:10-b . 1967, 314:1. 1971, 493:2. 1973, 163:2. 1981, 146:1. 1983, 253:2. 2005, 295 : 1 . 2010, 368 : 25 , eff. Dec. 31, 2010. 2016, 145 : 1 , eff. July 26, 2016. 2019, 346 : 148 , eff. July 1, 2019.