N.H. Rev. Stat. § 212:30-d

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 212:30-d - Sale of Venison Imported from Outside the State
I. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 208:11, venison, including the species red deer and elk (Cervus elaphus), but not including Virginia white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), imported from outside the state may be possessed, bought, and sold for use as food, provided that for each shipment there shall be a bill of sale bearing the date of purchase, the species of venison, the total weight of the shipment, and the place of origin. Said bill of sale shall remain with the shipment until the entire shipment has been sold.
II. The packaging on all imported deer meat or venison which is offered for sale within this state shall be clearly labeled or marked with the country or state of origin.
III. Resident and nonresident wholesalers who wish to sell imported venison in this state as permitted in paragraph I shall procure a wholesaler's license from the department of fish and game to do so, the fee for which shall be set by the executive director pursuant to RSA 206:10, I. Said license shall expire on December 31 of each calendar year. Wholesalers shall provide bills of sale in duplicate, one copy of which shall be given to the retail seller, and the other copy of which shall be retained as a file copy by the wholesaler and shall be available for inspection by any agent of the executive director.
III-a. Resident wholesalers licensed pursuant to paragraph III may import venison, including the species red deer and elk (Cervus elaphus), but not including Virginia white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), into this state.
IV. Retail outlets, including hotels and restaurants, shall only sell venison purchased from a licensed wholesale dealer as set forth in paragraph III or permitted propagator as set forth in RSA 212:30-e, I.
V. Any person convicted under this section shall be guilty of a violation if a natural person and guilty of a misdemeanor if any other person.

RSA 212:30-d

Amended by 2015, 186:23, eff. 7/1/2015.

1983, 139:1. 1992, 92:1, 2. 1993, 237:4-6. 1994, 153:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1995. 2015, 186:23, eff. July 1, 2015.