Section 126-A:79-a - [Repealed effective 11/1/2029] Commission on the Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Perfluorinated ChemicalsI. There is established a commission to study environmental and public health impacts resulting from per fluorinated chemicals (PFAS) releases to the air, soil, and water in Merrimack, Litchfield, Londonderry, Hudson, and Bedford.II.(a) The members of the commission shall be as follows: (1) Five members of the house of representatives, 3 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and 2 of whom shall be appointed by the house minority leader.(2) Two members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.(3) The program manager from the department of health and human services environmental public health tracking program, or designee.(4) The commissioner of the department of environmental services, or designee.(5) The director of the university of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice, or designee.(6) A representative from the New Hampshire Medical Society, appointed by the society.(7) Two citizens with backgrounds in environmental science and/or public health, recommended by the senators appointed to the commission and appointed by the president of the senate.(8) A representative from each of the affected towns of Merrimack, Bedford, Londonderry, Hudson,and Litchfield, appointed by the governing body of such town.(9) Five residents, one from each of the affected towns of Merrimack, Bedford, Londonderry, Hudson, and Litchfield, who are members of drinking water related environmental advocacy citizen organizations which are not affiliated with any government or state agency, recommended by the senators appointed to the commission and appointed by the president of the senate.(10) A hydrogeologist, appointed by the New Hampshire chapter of the United States Geological Survey.(11) A toxicologist, epidemiologist, or environmental health professor from the university of New Hampshire, appointed by that institution.(b) Legislative members of the commission shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the commission.III.(a) The commission's study shall include, but not be limited to:(1) Obtaining information necessary to delineate the extent of PFAS drinking water contamination from airborne, soil, and groundwater releases.(2) Assessing and implementing steps necessary to investigate public health impacts from PFAS exposures to air, soil, and drinking water.(3) Assessing sources and impacts to surface water from wastewater and other discharges from the Merrimack, New Hampshire Saint Gobain plant.(4) Assessing whether soil regulations are sufficient to contain contaminated materials.(5) Receiving updates at each commission meeting from the department of environmental services and the department of health and human services on matters including but not limited to, scientific findings and related materials, enforcement actions, and regulatory status.(6) Receiving ongoing copies of all correspondence between state and federal agencies and responsible parties; including but not limited to, documents related to scientific findings, interim progress and regulatory or enforceable matters from the department of environmental services and the department of health and human services.(7) Developing prioritized governmental and community actions.(8) Reviewing the progress made by state and federal agencies, if appropriate, and their partners.(9) Delineating the potential roles and responsibilities for municipalities, state agencies, and their partners.(10) Communicating to the public about the environmental and public health impacts of the PFAS exposure investigation and analysis.(11) Assessing whether current rules or regulations are sufficiently protective of public health and proposing legislation, as necessary, to protect public health.(12) Recommending legislation, as necessary, to carry out the charge of the commission or resulting from any commission findings.(13) Assessing whether current penalties and regulatory controls are sufficiently protective of the environment and public health and recommending changes necessary.(14) Assessing agreements between the state and Saint Gobain and proposing additional actions necessary to achieve the charge of the commission and,(b) The commission shall solicit information from any person or entity the commission deems relevant to its study. The commission may, with input from a state agency or agencies, decide whether additional appropriations are necessary to complete the work of the commission.IV. The members of the commission shall elect a chairperson from among the members. The first meeting of the commission shall be called by the first-named house member. The first meeting of the commission shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. Seven members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.V. The commission shall submit an interim report of its findings on November 1, each year between 2020 and 2028, and a final report of its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the house clerk, the senate clerk, the governor, and the state library on or before November 1, 2029.
RSA 126-A:79-a
Amended by 2024, 187:3, eff. 11/1/2029.Amended by 2024, 187:2, eff. 7/12/2024.Amended by 2024, 187:1, eff. 7/12/2024.Amended by 2021 , 22: 2, eff. 5/6/2021.Amended by 2021 , 22: 1, eff. 5/6/2021.Repealed by 2019 , 335: 2, eff. 11/1/2024.Added by 2019 , 335: 1, eff. 8/16/2019.
2019, 335 : 1 , eff. Aug. 16, 2019. 2021, 22 : 1 , 2, eff. May 6, 2021.