Section 12-P:5 - Duties of Commissioner In addition to the powers, duties, and functions otherwise vested by law in the commissioner of the department of energy, the commissioner, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall:
I. Represent the public interest in the administration of the functions of the department of energy and be responsible to the governor, the general court, and the public for such administration.II. Provide for, in consultation with the commissioner of the department of administrative services and the state treasurer, a system of accounts and reports which will ensure the integrity and lawful use of all fees, funds, and revenues collected by the department, the use of which is restricted by state or federal law.III. Have the authority to receive, administer, and internally audit all present and future federal and state energy-related grant programs.IV. Have the authority to adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, necessary to assure the continuance or granting of federal funds or other assistance intended to promote the administration of this chapter, not otherwise provided for by law, and to adopt all rules necessary to implement the specific statutes administered by the department or by any division or unit within the department, whether the rulemaking authority delegated by the legislature is granted to the commissioner, the department, or any administrative unit or subordinate official of the department. Where the commissioner has adopted rules under this paragraph, the department shall not be subject to RSA 541-A:29 or RSA 541-A:29-a.V. Have the authority to reorganize rules of the department to conform to the requirements of RSA 541-A and the uniform drafting and numbering system adopted by the division of administrative rules, office of legislative services. Reference changes shall be limited to title, chapter, part, and section designations and numbers and substitution of terms reflecting reorganization of the department to the existing statutory structure, and shall be made subject to review by the division of administrative rules, office of legislative services for consistency and accuracy of such changes. Such reference changes shall be integrated into the rules and such amendments to the rules shall become effective when notice of these reference changes is published by the director of legislative services in the rulemaking register. Reference changes made prior to July 1, 2022, shall be exempt from the procedures and requirements of RSA 541-A. Changes authorized under this section shall not affect the adoption or expiration date of rules changed under this section.VI. Collect and account for all fees, funds, taxes, or assessments levied upon any person subject to the jurisdiction of the department of energy and the public utilities commission. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the expenditure of additional funds over budget estimates is necessary for the proper functioning of the department of energy, the governor and council, with the prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, upon request from the department of energy, may authorize an additional assessment pursuant to RSA 363-A for such purpose.VII. Ensure that the department provides all necessary support to the public utilities commission, the site evaluation committee, office of the consumer advocate, and any other entity that is administratively attached to the department.Amended by 2023, 79:115, eff. 7/1/2023.Amended by 2022 , 245: 4, eff. 8/20/2022.Amended by 2022 , 245: 3, eff. 8/20/2022.Added by 2021 , 91: 187, eff. 7/1/2021.