Current through 82nd (2023) Legislative Session Chapter 535 and 34th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1 and 35th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1
Section 618.880 - [Effective on the date on which the Governor declares that the Federal Government has adopted provisions governing the certification of crane operators] Establishment of safety plans and procedures; certification of cranes; certification of operators of tower cranes and mobile cranes; expiration and renewal of certifications of crane operators; exceptions1. The Division shall adopt regulations establishing standards and procedures for the operation of cranes, including, without limitation, regulations requiring the: (a) Establishment and implementation of site safety plans and procedures for the erection and dismantling of tower cranes;(b) Establishment of a clear zone around the erection, dismantling or other highly hazardous lifts with a crane;(c) Annual certification of the mechanical lifting parts of the crane; and(d) Certification of tower cranes each time a tower crane is erected and additional annual certifications of tower cranes while they continue to be in use.2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3:(a) The Division shall adopt regulations requiring the establishment and implementation of programs for the certification of all persons who operate:(2) Mobile cranes having a usable boom length of 25 feet or greater or a maximum machine rated capacity of 15,000 pounds or greater.(b) A person shall not operate a tower crane or a mobile crane described in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) unless the person holds certification as a crane operator issued pursuant to this subsection for the type of crane being operated.(c) An applicant for certification as a crane operator must hold a certificate which:(1) Is issued by an organization whose program of certification for crane operators: (I) Is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies or an equivalent accrediting body approved by the Division; and(II) Meets other criteria as may be established by the Division;(2) Certifies that the person has met the standards to be a crane operator established by ASME International, in its standards B30.3, B30.4 or B30.5 as adopted by regulation of the Division;(3) Requires a minimum of 1,000 hours of crane-related experience or training during the 5-year period immediately preceding the issuance of a mobile crane operator certification;(4) Requires a minimum of 1,000 hours of crane-related experience or training, of which a minimum of 500 hours is specific to tower crane operation, during the 5-year period immediately preceding the issuance of a tower crane operator certification; and(5) Does not require an examination during which the applicant must operate a crane if the applicant:(I) Is seeking recertification for the type of crane for which the applicant currently holds a valid certification; and(II) Has 1,000 hours of experience operating the type of crane for which the applicant is seeking certification during the 5-year period immediately preceding the issuance of the applicant's recertification.(d) The organization that issues a certification pursuant to this subsection is responsible for the verification of hours of experience or training required by this subsection.3. The provisions of subsection 2 do not apply to a person who:(a) Is an employee of a utility while the person is engaged in work for or at the direction of the utility;(b) Operates an electric or utility line truck that is regulated pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1910.269 or 29 C.F.R. Part 1926, Subpart V;(c) Operates an aerial or lifting device, whether or not self-propelled, that is designed and manufactured with the specific purpose of lifting one or more persons in a bucket or basket or on a ladder or platform and holding those persons in the lifted position while they perform tasks. Such devices include, without limitation: (1) A bucket truck or lift;(d) Operates a crane as a trainee under the direct supervision of an operator who has a valid certification in accordance with subsection 2 for the type of crane being operated by the trainee. As used in this paragraph, "direct supervision" means that the person who is supervising the trainee: (1) Is in the immediate area of the trainee;(3) Is able to communicate effectively with the trainee; and(4) Has no duties other than to observe the operation of the crane by the trainee.4. A certification used to satisfy the requirements of this section for a crane operator expires 5 years after the date that it is issued and may be renewed by providing proof deemed acceptable by the Division that the crane operator has fulfilled the requirements of subsection 2.5. As used in this section, "utility" means any public or private utility, whether or not the utility is subject to regulation by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, that provides, at wholesale or retail:(c) Water or sewer service;(d) Telecommunication service, including, without limitation, local exchange service, long distance service and personal wireless service; or(e) Television service, including, without limitation, community antenna television, cable television and other video service.Added to NRS by 1995, 1889; A 2005, 933; 2007, 1400; 2009, 977, effective on the date on which the Governor declares that the Federal Government has adopted provisions governing the certification of crane operatorsAdded to NRS by 1995, 1889; A 2005, 933; 2007, 1400; 2009, 977, effective on the date on which the Governor declares that the Federal Government has adopted provisions governing the certification of crane operators