- Section 490.090 - Operation on undesignated paved highways generally prohibited; exceptions; operation on public land, trails, ways or unpaved county roads authorized unless prohibited by governmental entity having jurisdiction; authority of governmental entities having jurisdiction to distribute information concerning prohibited areas and to erect signs designating prohibited areas; authority of governmental entity to construct, operate and maintain trails adjacent to or near highways
- Section 490.100 - Authority of city or county to designate portion of highway for off-highway vehicle use; approval of Department of Transportation regarding state highways; interstate highways excluded; supervision of certain minors; limitation on purpose of use
- Section 490.105 - Large all-terrain vehicle: Operation on certain roads authorized; conditions; local governing body may prohibit by ordinance or resolution; local governing body may authorize on certain city streets and highways
- Section 490.110 - Authorized and unauthorized operation on highway
- Section 490.120 - Required equipment for operation on highway; exception
- Section 490.125 - Authorized operation by off-highway vehicle dealer, long-term or short-term lessor or manufacturer for purposes of display, demonstration, maintenance, sale or exchange; special plate requirements; exceptions
- Section 490.130 - Duties of operator when operating off-highway vehicle on highway