Nev. Rev. Stat. § 484B.363

Current through 82nd (2023) Legislative Session Chapter 535 and 34th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1 and 35th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1
Section 484B.363 - School zone or school crossing zone: Speed limit; designation; signs; U-turn and overtaking another vehicle prohibited; determination of hours in which speed limit is in effect; additional penalty if driver is proximate cause of collision with pedestrian or person riding bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter
1. A person shall not drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour in an area designated as a school zone except:
(a) On a day on which school is not in session;
(b) During the period from a half hour after school is no longer in operation to a half hour before school is next in operation;
(c) If the zone is designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the hours when the pupils of the school are in class and the yellow lights of the speed limit beacon are not flashing in the manner which indicates that the speed limit is in effect; or
(d) If the zone is not designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the times when the sign designating the school zone indicates that the speed limit is not in effect.
2. A person shall not drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 25 miles per hour in an area designated as a school crossing zone except:
(a) On a day on which school is not in session;
(b) During the period from a half hour after school is no longer in operation to a half hour before school is next in operation;
(c) If the zone is designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the hours when the pupils of the school are in class and the yellow lights of the speed limit beacon are not flashing in the manner which indicates that the speed limit is in effect; or
(d) If the zone is not designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the times when the sign designating the school zone indicates that the speed limit is not in effect.
3. The driver of a vehicle shall not make a U-turn in an area designated as a school zone or school crossing zone except:
(a) When there are no children present;
(b) On a day on which school is not in session;
(c) During the period from a half hour after school is no longer in operation to a half hour before school is next in operation;
(d) If the zone is designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the hours when the pupils of the school are in class and the yellow lights of the speed limit beacon are not flashing in the manner which indicates that the speed limit is in effect; or
(e) If the zone is not designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the times when the sign designating the school zone or school crossing zone indicates that the speed limit is not in effect.
4. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake and pass another vehicle traveling in the same direction in an area designated as a school zone or school crossing zone except:
(a) On a day on which the school is not in session;
(b) During the period from a half hour after school is no longer in operation to a half hour before school is next in operation;
(c) If the zone is designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the hours when the pupils of the school are in class and the yellow lights of the speed limit beacon are not flashing in the manner which indicates that the speed limit is in effect; or
(d) If the zone is not designated by an operational speed limit beacon, during the times when the sign designating the school zone or school crossing zone indicates that the speed limit is not in effect.
5. The governing body of a local government or the Department of Transportation shall designate school zones and school crossing zones. An area must not be designated as a school zone if imposing a speed limit of 15 miles per hour would be unsafe because of higher speed limits in adjoining areas.
6. Each such governing body and the Department of Transportation shall provide signs to mark the beginning and end of each school zone and school crossing zone which it respectively designates. Each sign marking the beginning of such a zone must include a designation of the hours when the speed limit is in effect or that the speed limit is in effect when children are present.
7. With respect to each school zone and school crossing zone in a school district, the superintendent of the school district or his or her designee, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation and the governing body of the local government that designated the school zone or school crossing zone and after consulting with the principal of the school and the agency that is responsible for enforcing the speed limit in the zone, shall determine the times when the speed limit is in effect.
8. If, while violating any provision of subsections 1 to 4, inclusive, the driver of a motor vehicle is the proximate cause of a collision with a pedestrian or a person riding a bicycle, an electric bicycle or an electric scooter, the driver is subject to the additional penalty set forth in subsection 4 of NRS 484B.653.
9. As used in this section, "speed limit beacon" means a device which is used in conjunction with a sign and equipped with two or more yellow lights that flash alternately to indicate when the speed limit in a school zone or school crossing zone is in effect.

NRS 484B.363

(Added to NRS by 1985, 640; A 1993, 2586; 1999, 2674; 2011, 1635; 2015, 1574; 2019, 1890)-(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.366)
Amended by 2019, Ch. 311,§31, eff. 6/3/2019.
Amended by 2015, Ch. 312,§22, eff. 10/1/2015.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 640; A 1993, 2586; 1999, 2674; 2011, 1635)-(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.366)