- Section 450B.160 - Licensing of attendants and firefighters; regulations; certification of physicians, nurses and physician assistants serving as attendants
- Section 450B.165 - Applicant for issuance or renewal of license or certificate to attest to knowledge of and compliance with certain guidelines concerning safe and appropriate injection practices
- Section 450B.169 - Petition to determine if criminal history will disqualify person from obtaining license or certificate; fee; posting of requirements for license or certificate and list of disqualifying crimes on Internet; reports
- Section 450B.171 - Relative of patient or other person may ride with attendants
- Section 450B.180 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Certification and authority of emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics; maintenance of central registry of certificates issued; regulations
- Section 450B.180 - [Effective on the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Certification and authority of emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics; maintenance of central registry of certificates issued; regulations
- Section 450B.183 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Payment of child support: Statement by applicant for license or certificate; grounds for denial of license or certificate; duty of health authority
- Section 450B.185 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Suspension of license or certificate for failure to pay child support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; reinstatement of license or certificate
- Section 450B.187 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Application for license or certificate to include social security number
- Section 450B.188 - Prohibition on denial of application based on immigration or citizenship status; provision of alternative personally identifying number; confidentiality of social security or alternative personally identifying number
- Section 450B.190 - Provisional licensing of attendants