Section 449A.554 - Revocation of POLST form; entry of revocation in medical records of patient1. A Provider Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment form may be revoked at any time and in any manner by: (a) The patient who executed it or for whom a representative or surrogate executed it pursuant to NRS 449A.551, if the patient is 18 years of age or older and the physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse determines that the patient has the capacity to make decisions regarding his or her wishes for the provision of life-resuscitating treatment and life-sustaining treatment;(b) Without regard to the patient's age or physical condition, if the physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse determines that the patient lacks the capacity to make decisions regarding his or her wishes for the provision of life-resuscitating treatment and life-sustaining treatment, the representative of the patient; or(c) If the patient is less than 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian of the patient.2. The revocation of a POLST form is effective upon the communication to a provider of health care, by the patient or a person authorized to revoke a POLST form pursuant to subsection 1, of the desire to revoke the form. The provider of health care to whom the revocation is communicated shall:(a) Make the revocation a part of the medical record of the patient; or(b) Cause the revocation to be made a part of the medical record of the patient.Added to NRS by 2013, 2285; A 2017, 459, 1763, 3922(Added to NRS by 2013, Ch. 417, § 17; A 2017, Ch. 104, § 10, 2017, Ch. 318, § 56, 2017, Ch. 552, § 41) - (Substituted in revision for NRS 449.6944)