Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 424.020 - Regulations concerning licensure; minimum standards and rules for regulation
- Section 424.030 - Requirements for regular or special license; renewal of such licenses; licensee to accept child placed by juvenile court; insurance required for specialized foster home and group foster home; information on license; regulations regarding special licenses
- Section 424.031 - [Effective until the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Investigation of background of applicant for license, licensee, prospective employee and certain adult residents of foster home; investigation of adult who routinely supervises child in foster home; charge for investigation; periodic additional investigations
- Section 424.031 - [Effective on the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Investigation of background of applicant for license, licensee, prospective employee and certain adult residents of foster home; investigation of adult who routinely supervises child in foster home; charge for investigation; periodic additional investigations
- Section 424.033 - [Effective until the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Person investigated to supply fingerprints; child abuse and neglect screening; exchange of information; report from Federal Bureau of Investigation; actions of licensing authority upon receipt of report
- Section 424.033 - [Effective on the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Person investigated to supply fingerprints; child abuse and neglect screening; exchange of information; report from Federal Bureau of Investigation; actions of licensing authority upon receipt of report
- Section 424.0335 - Termination of employee, removal of resident or prevention of person from being present in home when convicted of certain crimes; correction of information concerning conviction
- Section 424.034 - Maintenance of certain records concerning employees and residents
- Section 424.036 - Consultation with applicant for license to conduct foster home
- Section 424.0365 - Licensee of family foster home, specialized foster home, independent living foster home or group foster home to ensure training of employees who have direct contact with children; regulations
- Section 424.0367 - Licensee to develop and implement plan for care of children during disaster
- Section 424.037 - Consultation with provider of foster care to explain plan for provision of care for child; addressing concerns of health, safety or care of child
- Section 424.038 - Consultation with provider of foster care to ensure health and safety of child; release of information to provider of foster care; confidentiality of information obtained; regulations
- Section 424.0383 - Licensee to obtain explanation of need for and effect of medication prescribed for child; licensing authority to receive copy of explanation
- Section 424.0385 - Licensee of specialized foster home, independent living foster home or group foster home to adopt certain policies relating to medical care and medications for children; employees to receive copy of policy
- Section 424.039 - [Effective until the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Licensing authority or designee authorized to conduct preliminary Federal Bureau of Investigation name-based check of background of certain adult residents of foster home in which child will be placed in emergency situation; person investigated to supply fingerprints; exchange of information; removal of child from home upon refusal to supply fingerprints
- Section 424.039 - [Effective on the earlier of 7/1/2025, or the date on which the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that there is sufficient money available to carry out the provisions of those sections and an agency which provides child welfare services is prepared to participate in the Extended Young Adult Support Services Program] Licensing authority or designee authorized to conduct preliminary Federal Bureau of Investigation name-based check of background of certain adult residents of foster home in which child will be placed in emergency situation; person investigated to supply fingerprints; exchange of information; removal of child from home upon refusal to supply fingerprints
- Section 424.040 - Inspection
- Section 424.041 - Money allocated for specialized foster care not to be used for any other purpose; report of expenditures; data concerning children to be provided to Division upon request
- Section 424.042 - Division to periodically review placement of children in specialized foster homes by agency which provides child welfare services; corrective action when placements are determined not appropriate
- Section 424.044 - Concealed firearm and ammunition authorized on premises of family foster home in certain circumstances; storage of firearms and ammunition on such premises; agency which provides child welfare services immune from liability
- Section 424.0445 - Duties of provider of foster care relating to gender identity or expression of foster child
- Section 424.045 - Procedure for hearing grievances related to license to conduct foster home: Regulations; representation by legal counsel
- Section 424.047 - Access by provider of foster care to information maintained by licensing authority concerning provider
- Section 424.050 - Investigation of unlicensed foster home; action by licensing authority
- Section 424.060 - Removal of child from undesirable foster home
- Section 424.070 - Placement of child for care or adoption; approval by Division or its designee
- Section 424.075 - Right of provider of foster care to refuse to accept placement of child and to request removal of child
- Section 424.077 - Regulations for establishment of program to provide respite to provider of foster care; program to provide respite, training and support to provider of foster care
- Section 424.079 - Visitation of child by provider of foster care after child leaves care of provider
- Section 424.080 - Transfer of parental rights and duties prohibited; exception for termination by order of district court
- Section 424.085 - Person licensed to conduct foster home immune from liability for certain acts of child in care of person
- Section 424.087 - Plan for the recruitment and retention of foster homes
- Section 424.088 - Individual development account: Establishment by provider of foster care for child placed in care of provider upon receipt of approval of licensing authority; access to and use of money in account
- Section 424.089 - Individual development account: Provision of instruction in financial literacy to child for whom account is established
- Section 424.090 - Exemption from certain provisions of chapter