Section 407.200 - Powers and duties of Division1. The Division may take such action as is necessary to carry this section and NRS 407.160 and 407.170 into effect. The Administrator may, with the advice, assistance and cooperation of the Attorney General, determine title to the land occupied by the ichthyosaur discovery site, and take any action which is necessary for the preservation of the ichthyosaur site, and the permanent protection of the site and the objects on the site for the benefit of the people of the State of Nevada.2. The Division may receive and expend money from the State of Nevada and receive and expend money from any other public or private institution or person in order to carry out its purposes.3. The Division may employ a park custodian to supervise the care and protection of the ichthyosaur discovery site and employ such other employees and consultants as, in the judgment of the Administrator, may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section and NRS 407.160 and 407.170.4. The Administrator may, subject to the approval of the Director, appoint an advisory board consisting of recognized paleontologists from within or without the State of Nevada to assist the Administrator in carrying out the Administrator's functions and purposes.5. When title to the land occupied by the ichthyosaur discovery site is determined to be in the State of Nevada, or is obtained in the name of the State of Nevada, the Administrator shall cause a description of such site to be recorded with the county recorder of Nye County, Nevada, and upon such recordation the land so described shall be, by proclamation of the Governor, set apart for all time as an historical monument and state park under the jurisdiction of the Division.[3:398:1955]-(NRS A 1957, 568; 1963, 832; 1977, 1135)[3:398:1955] - (NRS A 1957, 568; 1963, 832; 1977, 1135)