Nev. Rev. Stat. § 218A.920

Current through 82nd (2023) Legislative Session Chapter 535 and 34th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1 and 35th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1
Section 218A.920 - Injunctive relief
1. If the presiding officer of either House has reasonable grounds to believe that any person is interfering with the legislative process, or is about to do so, the presiding officer of either House on behalf of the Legislature may petition a court of competent jurisdiction for an order directing the person to cease and desist from such interference or restraining the person from such interference in the future.
2. The petition must be verified and must set forth the facts upon which it is based. Either House may, by rule, empower the presiding officer of the House to designate one or more members or officers of the House to make the petition on behalf of the presiding officer. Any such designation must be filed with the clerk of the House and, if a petition is made by any person named in the designation, a copy of the designation must be submitted to the court together with the petition.
3. If a court to which the petition is presented is satisfied that the petition sets forth a prima facie case for the granting of the relief requested and that irreparable damage may occur unless the relief is granted, the court may grant a temporary injunction granting the relief requested, in whole or in part, pending the ultimate determination of the matter after due notice and hearing. A copy of the temporary order and of the petition upon which it is based, together with notice of the date and place of a hearing to be held on the matter, must be given to each such person within the time and in the manner as the court directs.
4. A temporary injunction and any preliminary or permanent injunction which may be granted on the petition following a hearing on the matter is enforceable by contempt proceedings, or other enforcement proceedings, in the same manner as other orders of the court.
5. Except as otherwise provided, all the provisions of law applicable to the granting of injunctive relief by the court to which a petition is presented apply to proceedings instituted under this section.

NRS 218A.920

Added to NRS by 1973, 218; A 2011, 3177
(Added to NRS by 1973, 218; A 2011, 3177)-(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.545 )