The compact entered into by the State of Montana and the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation and filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Montana under the provisions of 85-2-702 on April 15, 1997, is ratified. The compact is as follows:
This Compact is entered into by and among the State of Montana, the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, and the United States of America for the purpose of settling any and all existing water rights claims of the Chippewa Cree Tribe in the State of Montana.
WHEREAS, in 1979, the United States, on behalf of the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, brought suit in the United States District Court for the District of Montana to obtain a final determination of the Tribe's water rights claims, see, United States v. Aageson, No. CIV-79-21-GF (filed April 5, 1979); and
WHEREAS, Congress consented to state court jurisdiction over the quantification of claims to water rights held by the United States of America in trust for the Tribe; see, "the McCarran Amendment", 43 U.S.C. 666 (1952); Colorado River Water Conservation Dist. v. United States, 424 U.S. 800 (1976); Arizona v. San Carlos Apache Tribe, 463 U.S. 545 (1983); and
WHEREAS, the State of Montana initiated a general stream adjudication pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 697, Laws of Montana 1979, which includes Chippewa Cree tribal water rights; and
WHEREAS, the United States has filed claims on behalf of the Chippewa Cree Tribe in the general stream adjudication initiated by the State of Montana; and
WHEREAS, the Montana Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, under 85-2-702(1), MCA, is authorized to negotiate settlement of water rights claims filed by Indian tribes or on their behalf by the United States claiming reserved waters within the State of Montana; and
WHEREAS, the federal district court litigation was stayed in 1983 pending the outcome of Montana State court water adjudication proceedings, see, 721 F.2d 1189; and
WHEREAS, the adjudication of Chippewa Cree tribal water rights in the state court proceedings has been suspended while negotiations are proceeding to conclude a compact resolving all water rights claims of the Chippewa Cree Tribe within the State of Montana; and
WHEREAS, the Chippewa Cree Business Committee, or its duly designated representatives, have authority to negotiate this Compact pursuant to 1(a), of Article VI of the Tribal Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the United States Attorney General, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of Justice, has authority to execute this Compact on behalf of the United States pursuant to the authority to settle litigation contained in 28 U.S.C. Sections 516-17 (1993); and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Interior, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of the Interior, has authority to execute this Compact on behalf of the United States Department of the Interior pursuant to 43 U.S.C. Section 1457 (1986), inter alia; and
WHEREAS, the Chippewa Cree Tribe, the State of Montana, and the United States agree that the Tribal Water Right described in this Compact shall be in satisfaction of the Tribe's water rights claims within the State of Montana; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of all parties that the water rights claims of the Chippewa Cree Tribe be settled through agreement between and among the Tribe, the State of Montana, and the United States;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to enter into this Compact for the purpose of settling the water rights claims of the Chippewa Cree Tribe within the State of Montana.
The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this Compact:
In addition to the water rights specifically set forth in Sections A. and B. of Article III, the Tribe may develop water from the following sources:
For purposes of entry in the Montana Water Court, the proposed decree of the Tribal Water Right set forth in Article III and Section A.8. of Article IV is attached as Appendix 1.
Nothing in this Compact shall be so construed or interpreted:
The parties expressly reserve all rights not granted, recognized or relinquished in this Compact.
Notwithstanding any other language in this Compact, except as authorized under other provisions of federal law, the obligations of the United States under this Compact shall be contingent on authorization by Congress.
The expenditure or advance of any money or the performance of any work by the United States or the Tribe pursuant to this Compact which may require appropriation of money by Congress or allotment of funds shall be contingent on such appropriation or allotment being made.
The Tribe and the State of Montana agree to support federal legislation ratifying this Compact that will accomplish the following:
The State and Tribe agree to support federal legislation that will authorize and fund a municipal, rural and industrial water system adequate to meet the future MR&I water needs of the Tribe, according to the needs and population projections as set forth in the Municipal, Rural and Industrial (MR&I) Water Supply System Needs Assessment prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior (January, 1996), through either a regional system or a system serving the Reservation only. The State and Tribe further agree to support federal legislation that will establish an economic development fund as agreed to by the Tribe and the Department of the Interior, or by the Tribe and the Montana Congressional Delegation. Support by the Department of Interior for the proposed MR&I system will depend on a demonstration of feasibility and appropriate allocation of costs.
Implementation of this Compact shall be contingent upon the appropriation of necessary funds by the Congress and by the Montana Legislature. The performance of any obligation by any party under this Compact shall be contingent upon appropriation of funds therefor. No liability shall accrue to any party in case necessary funds are not appropriated. The State and the Tribe agree to recommend the following cost share for administration and mitigation necessary to implement the Compact to the Montana State Legislature and the Congress for appropriation on a schedule consistent with implementation as contemplated in this Compact.
The Tribe may exercise its right to withdraw by sending to the Governor of the State of Montana and to the Secretary of the Interior by certified mail a resolution of the Chippewa Cree Business Committee stating the Tribe's intent to withdraw and specifying a withdrawal date not sooner than 30 days from the date of the resolution. On the date designated in the resolution for Tribal withdrawal, this Compact shall become null and void without further action by any party, and the parties agree to resume negotiation in good faith for quantification of the water rights of the Chippewa Cree Tribe and entry of a decree in a court of competent jurisdiction. If the Tribe fails to take action to withdraw within five (5) years following the fourteen (14) year deadline for completion of the water system, all provisions of the Compact shall remain in effect.
The parties intend that the water rights and other rights confirmed to the Tribe in this Compact are in full satisfaction of the Tribe's water rights claims, including federal reserved water rights claims based on Winters v. United States, 207 U.S. 564 (1908). In consideration of the rights confirmed to the Tribe in this Compact, including rights to the future development of water pursuant to Section C. of Article III, and of performance by the State of Montana and the United States of all actions required by this Compact, including entry of a final order issuing the decree of the reserved water rights of the Tribe held in trust by the United States as quantified in the Compact and displayed in Appendix 1, the Tribe and the United States as trustee for the Tribe hereby relinquish any and all claims to water rights of the Chippewa Cree Tribe within the State of Montana existing on the date this Compact is ratified by the State and the Tribe, whichever date is later.
Upon the effectiveness of any provision of this Compact, the terms of that provision will be binding:
The State and Tribe agree to seek enactment of any legislation necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Compact, and to defend the provisions and purposes of this Compact from all challenges and attacks; provided that, no provision of the Compact shall be modified as to substance except as may be provided herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives of the State of Montana, the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, and the United States have signed this Compact on the 28th day of February, 2000.
§ 85-20-601, MCA