This compact is entered into by the State of Montana and the United States of America to settle for all time any and all claims to federal reserved water rights for the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within the State of Montana.
WHEREAS, the State of Montana, in 1979 pursuant to Title 85, Chapter 2 of the Montana Code Annotated, commenced a general adjudication of the rights to the use of water within the State of Montana including all federal reserved and appropriative water rights;
WHEREAS, 85-2-228, MCA, provides that a federal reserved water right with a priority date of July 1, 1973, or later be subject to the same process and adjudication as a federal reserved water right with a priority date before July 1, 1973;
WHEREAS, 85-2-703 and 85-2-228(3), MCA, provide that the Montana Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission may negotiate settlement of claims by the federal government to non-Indian reserved waters within the State of Montana;
WHEREAS, the United States wishes to quantify and have decreed the amount of water necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge as articulated in Executive Order 7509 of December 11, 1936;
WHEREAS, the Attorney General, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of Justice, has authority to execute this compact on behalf of the United States pursuant to the authority to settle litigation contained in 28 U.S.C. 516-517 (1968);
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Interior, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of the Interior, has authority to execute this compact on behalf of the United States Department of Interior pursuant to 43 U.S.C. 1457 (1986, Supp. 1992);
NOW THEREFORE, the State of Montana and the United States agree as follows:
For purposes of this compact only, the following definitions shall apply:
The Parties agree that the following water rights are in settlement of the reserved water rights claims of the United States for the Refuge. All water rights described in this Article are subject to Article IV of this compact as well as any specific additional conditions set forth below.
Table 1
Stream Name | Amount(cfs) | Upstream Limit | Downstream Limit |
Alkali Creek | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.27 19N29E | SESW Sec.36 19N29E |
Antelope Creek | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.3 22N23E | SESE Sec.21 22N23E |
Armells Creek | 1.0 | NWSW Sec.18 21N23E | NWSW Sec.32 22N24E |
Ash Creek | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.28 22N42E | SESW Sec.27 22N42E |
Bear Creek | 0.5 | NENE Sec.15 25N42E | SWSE Sec.10 25N42E |
Beauchamp Creek | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.16 22N28E | SESE Sec.35 22N28E |
Big Coulee Creek | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.16 21N33E | SWSW Sec.12 21N33E |
Big Dry Creek | 1.0 | SWSW Sec.26 20N42E | NESW Sec.12 20N42E |
Billy Creek | 0.5 | SESE Sec.33 22N34E | NWNE Sec.22 22N34E |
Box Creek, North Fork | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.18 23N42E | NENE Sec.19 23N42E |
Box Creek, South Fork | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.19 23N42E | SENE Sec.19 23N42E |
Bridge Coulee | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.1 20N42E | NENE Sec.12 20N42E |
Cabin Coulee | 0.5 | SESW Sec.21 23N35E | SWSE Sec.5 22N36E |
Carroll Coulee | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.31 21N26E | SENE Sec.22 21N26E |
Cart Trail Coulee | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.35 23N33E | NENW Sec.1 22N33E |
Cat Creek | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.29 23N42E | SWSW Sec.28 23N42E |
Cattle Creek | 0.5 | SWSE Sec.15 22N39E | SWSE Sec.10 22N39E |
CK Creek | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.1 22N26E | SESE Sec.12 21N27E |
Crooked Creek (Garfield County) | 0.5 | SESE Sec.19 22N39E | NENE Sec.19 22N39E |
Sacagawea River/ Crooked Creek | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.27 20N29E | SWNW Sec.36 20N29E |
Dawson Creek | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.6 23N42E | SWSE Sec.6 23N42E |
Devils Creek | 0.5 | NENE Sec.16 21N32E | SENW Sec.5 21N32E |
Doney Coulee | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.30 23N34E | SESW Sec.29 23N34E |
Duck Creek | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.1 23N37E | NWSE Sec.1 23N37E |
Duval Creek | 0.5 | NENW Sec.5 22N24E | NWSE Sec.34 22N24E |
Fifth Coulee | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.33 25N39E | SESE Sec.2 24N39E |
Fourchette Creek | 1.0 | NWNW Sec.15 22N30E | NWSE Sec.8 22N31E |
Germaine Coulee | 0.5 | SESE Sec.22 19N30E | SWSW Sec.16 19N30E |
Gilbert Creek | 0.5 | SWSE Sec.17 22N40E | NESE Sec.4 22N40E |
Hawley Creek | 0.5 | NENW Sec.35 22N29E | NENE Sec.2 21N28E |
Hell Creek | 0.5 | SESE Sec.16 21N37E | NWNW Sec.13 21N37E |
Hilliard Coulee | 0.5 | NENE Sec.20 26N42E | NWSW Sec.17 26N42E |
Kill Woman Creek | 0.5 | NENE Sec.3 22N32E | SESE Sec.10 22N32E |
King Coulee | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.6 23N37E | SESW Sec.9 23N37E |
Lone Tree Creek | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.34 22N42E | NESW Sec.34 22N42E |
Lost Creek | 0.5 | SWSE Sec.36 21N31E | NWNW Sec.33 21N31E |
Middle Eighth Coulee | 0.5 | NENE Sec.28 24N38E | SWNE Sec.35 24N38E |
Nelson Creek | 0.5 | SESW Sec.26 21N43E | NENW Sec.27 21N43E |
Nichols Coulee | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.7 22N27E | SESE Sec.10 21N27E |
North Fork Rock Creek | 0.5 | NENE Sec.21 23N43E | SWSE Sec.17 23N43E |
Norville Creek | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.36 24N41E | NWNW Sec.31 24N42E |
Renick Coulee | 0.5 | SESE Sec.24 23N40E | NENE Sec.23 23N40E |
Ried Coulee | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.18 21N38E | NWNE Sec.13 21N37E |
Rock Creek | 1.0 | NENE Sec.6 22N25E | NWNE Sec.11 21N25E |
Sand Arroyo | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.20 24N43E | NESW Sec.20 24N43E |
Sand Creek | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.16 21N24E | NENE Sec.9 21N25E |
Sandburn Coulee | 0.5 | SESE Sec.1 19N30E | SESE Sec.25 20N30E |
Seven Blackfoot Creek | 0.5 | SWSE Sec.13 21N33E | NENW Sec.13 21N33E |
Sevenmile Creek | 0.5 | NENW Sec.6 22N26E | SESE Sec.7 21N27E |
Seventh Coulee | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.18 24N39E | SWNW Sec.20 24N39E |
Sherman Coulee | 0.5 | NESE Sec.33 19N30E | NENE Sec.30 19N30E |
Siparyann Creek | 1.0 | NWNW Sec.2 22N24E | SESE Sec.32 22N25E |
Sixth Coulee | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.5 24N39E | SWNW Sec.14 24N39E |
Snap Creek | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.23 21N42E | SENE Sec.26 21N42E |
Snow Creek | 0.5 | SWSW Sec.3 21N36E | NESW Sec.2 21N36E |
Soda Creek | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.33 21N29E | SWNW Sec.8 20N30E |
South Fork Duck Creek | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.21 25N39E | SWNW Sec.14 25N39E |
South Fork Rock Creek | 0.5 | SENE Sec.33 23N43E | NWNE Sec.32 23N43E |
Spring Creek | 0.5 | NESE Sec.11 24N42E | SESE Sec.10 24N42E |
Nancy Russell Creek/ Squaw Creek | 0.5 | SESE Sec.29 20N31E | SWNE Sec.30 20N31E |
Sutherland Creek | 0.5 | SWNW Sec.13 23N36E | SWSW Sec.18 23N37E |
Telegraph Creek | 0.5 | NENW Sec.30 23N31E | SWSE Sec.31 23N31E |
Timber Creek (McCone) | 0.5 | NENE Sec.17 20N43E | SWSE Sec.6 20N43E |
Two Calf Creek | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.30 22N23E | NENW Sec.28 22N23E |
Upper Eighth Coulee | 0.5 | NWSW Sec.33 24N38E | SENE Sec.4 23N38E |
Valentine Creek | 0.5 | NWNE Sec.10 21N30E | SENW Sec.14 22N30E |
Wilder Creek | 0.5 | NENW Sec.12 22N25E | SWSE Sec.6 21N26E |
Wyatt Coulee | 0.5 | NWNW Sec.22 23N34E | NESW Sec.22 23N34E |
*The downstream end of the quantified reaches of Telegraph Creek and Valentine Creek end at their confluence with Fourchette Creek.
Table 2
Name of Group | Name at Endpoint | Upper or Lower | Quarter | Section | Township |
Quarter | Range | ||||
Armells Creek | Armells Creek | Upper | NENE | 12 | 20N21E |
Armells Creek | Lower | SWSW | 32 | 22N24E | |
Fargo Coulee | Upper | NESE | 13 | 20N22E | |
UT of Fargo Coulee | Upper | SENW | 33 | 21N23E | |
UT of Fargo Coulee | Upper | NENW | 1 | 20N22E | |
Ash Creek | Ash Creek | Upper | SWSW | 11 | 22N41E |
Ash Creek | Lower | SESW | 27 | 22N42E | |
Bear Creek | Bear Creek | Upper | NENE | 15 | 25N42E |
Bear Creek | Lower | SWSE | 10 | 25N42E | |
Beauchamp Creek | Beauchamp Creek | Upper | NESW | 14 | 24N26E |
Beauchamp Creek | Lower | SESE | 35 | 22N28E | |
Billy Creek | Billy Creek | Upper | SENE | 17 | 21N34E |
Billy Creek | Lower | NWNE | 22 | 22N34E | |
Bobcat Creek | Bobcat Creek | Upper | NENE | 29 | 25N42E |
UT of Bobcat Creek | Upper | NESW | 29 | 25N42E | |
Bobcat Creek | Lower | NWNW | 30 | 25N41E | |
Box Creek, North Fork | Box Creek, North Fork | Upper | SENE | 4 | 23N41E |
UT of Box Creek, North Fork | Upper | NESW | 9 | 23N41E | |
Box Creek, North Fork | Lower | NENE | 19 | 23N42E | |
Box Creek, South Fork | Box Creek, South Fork | Upper | NENW | 22 | 23N41E |
Box Creek, South Fork | Lower | SENE | 19 | 23N42E | |
Box Elder Creek | Box Elder Creek | Upper | NESW | 29 | 23N32E |
Box Elder Creek | Lower | SENE | 30 | 23N31E | |
Bridge Coulee | Bridge Coulee | Upper | SESW | 33 | 21N42E |
Bridge Coulee | Lower | NENE | 12 | 20N42E | |
Carpenter Creek | Upper | NWNW | 15 | 23N35E | |
Carroll Coulee | Carroll Coulee | Upper | SWNW | 11 | 20N25E |
UT of Carroll Coulee | Upper | SESE | 27 | 21N25E | |
UT of Carroll Coulee | Upper | SWSW | 1 | 20N25E | |
UT of Carroll Coulee | Upper | NWNW | 3 | 20N25E | |
Carroll Coulee | Lower | SENE | 22 | 21N26E | |
Cat Creek | Cat Creek | Upper | NWNW | 34 | 23N41E |
Cat Creek | Lower | SWSW | 28 | 23N42E | |
CK Creek | CK Creek | Upper | NESE | 22 | 24N25E |
CK Creek | Lower | SESE | 12 | 21N27E | |
Cottonwood Creek | Upper | NWNW | 36 | 24N24E | |
Crooked Creek (Garfield County) | Crooked Creek (Garfield County) | Upper | NWNE | 4 | 21N39E |
Crooked Creek (Garfield County) | Lower | NENE | 19 | 22N39E | |
Crooked Creek/Sacagawea River | Crooked Creek/Sacagawea River | Upper | SWNW | 30 | 20N28E |
Crooked Creek/Sacagawea River | Lower | SENE | 35 | 20N29E | |
Dawson Creek | Dawson Creek | Upper | NENE | 3 | 23N41E |
Dawson Creek | Lower | SWSE | 6 | 23N42E | |
Deadman Coulee | Deadman Coulee | Upper | SESE | 20 | 21N32E |
Deadman Coulee | Lower | SWNE | 22 | 21N31E | |
Devils Creek | Devils Creek | Upper | SESW | 30 | 21N33E |
Devils Creek | Lower | SENW | 5 | 21N32E | |
Doney Coulee | Doney Coulee | Upper | SESW | 13 | 23N33E |
Doney Coulee | Lower | SESW | 29 | 23N34E | |
Duval Creek | Duval Creek | Upper | NENW | 5 | 22N24E |
Duval Creek | Lower | NWSE | 34 | 22N24E | |
East Fork Crooked Creek | East Fork Crooked Creek | Upper | NWNW | 25 | 22N39E |
East Fork Crooked Creek | Lower | SWSE | 10 | 22N39E | |
Fifth Coulee | Fifth Coulee | Upper | NWNW | 32 | 25N39E |
Fifth Coulee | Lower | SESE | 2 | 24N39E | |
Fourchette Creek | Fourchette Creek | Upper | NESE | 29 | 23N29E |
Fourchette Creek | Lower | NWSW | 5 | 22N31E | |
Germaine Coulee | Germaine Coulee | Upper | SESE | 24 | 19N30E |
Germaine Coulee | Lower | SWSW | 16 | 19N30E | |
Gilbert Creek | Gilbert Creek | Upper | SENE | 29 | 22N40E |
Gilbert Creek | Lower | NESE | 4 | 22N40E | |
Hell Creek | Hell Creek | Upper | NWSE | 27 | 21N36E |
Hell Creek | Lower | NWNW | 13 | 21N37E | |
Hell Hole Coulee | Hell Hole Coulee | Upper | NENE | 19 | 23N34E |
Hell Hole Coulee | Lower | NENE | 28 | 23N34E | |
Karsten Coulee | Upper | NWNW | 12 | 22N28E | |
Kill Woman Creek | Kill Woman Creek | Upper | NESE | 27 | 23N32E |
Kill Woman Creek | Lower | SESE | 10 | 22N32E | |
King Coulee | King Coulee | Upper | SWNE | 36 | 24N36E |
King Coulee | Lower | SESW | 9 | 23N37E | |
Little Cottonwood Creek | Upper | NWNE | 9 | 23N24E | |
Lone Tree Creek | Lone Tree Creek | Upper | NENW | 27 | 22N41E |
Lone Tree Creek | Lower | NESW | 34 | 22N42E | |
Lost Creek (east Garfield Co.) | Lost Creek (east Garfield Co.) | Upper | SWNE | 8 | 22N42E |
Lost Creek (east Garfield Co.) | Lower | SWSW | 3 | 22N42E | |
Lost Creek (west Garfield Co.) | Lost Creek (west Garfield Co.) | Upper | SWSW | 32 | 21N32E |
Lost Creek (west Garfield Co.) | Lower | SENW | 33 | 21N31E | |
Middle Eighth Coulee | Middle Eighth Coulee | Upper | NENW | 21 | 24N38E |
Middle Eighth Coulee | Lower | SWNE | 35 | 24N38E | |
North Fork Rock Creek | North Fork Rock Creek | Upper | NWNW | 36 | 24N43E |
North Fork Rock Creek | Lower | NWNE | 20 | 23N43E | |
Norville Creek | Norville Creek | Upper | NESE | 28 | 24N41E |
UT of Norville Creek | Upper | SESE | 21 | 24N41E | |
Norville Creek | Lower | NWNW | 31 | 24N42E | |
Plum Creek | Upper | SENW | 3 | 23N35E | |
Renick Coulee | Renick Coulee | Upper | NWNW | 32 | 23N41E |
Renick Coulee | Lower | NWNE | 23 | 23N40E | |
Ried Coulee | Ried Coulee | Upper | NESE | 32 | 21N38E |
Ried Coulee | Lower | NENE | 13 | 21N37E | |
Rock Creek | Rock Creek | Upper | SWNE | 30 | 24N25E |
Rock Creek | Lower | NWNE | 11 | 21N25E | |
Sage Creek | Sage Creek | Upper | NENE | 8 | 23N41E |
Sage Creek | Lower | SWSW | 31 | 24N41E | |
Sand Creek | Sand Creek | Upper | NENE | 1 | 20N23E |
UT of Sand Creek | Upper | SWSE | 35 | 21N24E | |
UT of Sand Creek | Upper | SWSE | 24 | 21N23E | |
UT of Sand Creek | Upper | SWSE | 33 | 21N24E | |
UT of Sand Creek | Upper | SWSW | 26 | 21N23E | |
UT of Sand Creek | Upper | SWSE | 14 | 21N23E | |
Sand Creek | Lower | NENE | 9 | 21N25E | |
Seven Blackfoot Creek | Seven Blackfoot Creek | Upper | SWNW | 23 | 20N34E |
Seven Blackfoot Creek | Lower | NENW | 13 | 21N33E | |
Sevenmile Creek | Sevenmile Creek | Upper | SESW | 14 | 23N25E |
Sevenmile Creek | Lower | SESE | 7 | 21N27E | |
Sherman Coulee | Sherman Coulee | Upper | NWSW | 1 | 18N30E |
Sherman Coulee | Lower | NENE | 30 | 19N30E | |
Short Creek | Short Creek | Upper | SENE | 10 | 21N42E |
Short Creek | Lower | SESE | 11 | 21N42E | |
Siparyann Creek | Siparyann Creek | Upper | NENE | 5 | 23N24E |
Siparyann Creek | Lower | SESE | 32 | 22N25E | |
Sixth Coulee | Sixth Coulee | Upper | SWNW | 31 | 25N39E |
Sixth Coulee | Lower | SWNW | 14 | 24N39E | |
Snap Creek | Snap Creek | Upper | NENE | 17 | 21N42E |
Snap Creek | Lower | NENE | 26 | 21N42E | |
Snow Creek | Snow Creek | Upper | NWSW | 14 | 21N35E |
Snow Creek | Lower | NESW | 2 | 21N36E | |
Soda Creek | UT of Soda Creek | Upper | SWNE | 30 | 21N29E |
UT of Soda Creek | Upper | NESW | 31 | 21N29E | |
UT of Soda Creek | Upper | NWNE | 29 | 21N29E | |
UT of Soda Creek | Upper | SESW | 31 | 21N29E | |
UT of Soda Creek | Upper | NENW | 36 | 21N28E | |
Soda Creek | Lower | SWNW | 8 | 20N30E | |
Spring Creek | Spring Creek | Upper | NWNE | 12 | 24N42E |
UT of Spring Creek | Upper | NESW | 33 | 25N42E | |
UT of Spring Creek | Upper | NENW | 3 | 24N42E | |
UT of Spring Creek | Upper | NENE | 14 | 24N42E | |
UT of Spring Creek | Upper | NWNW | 34 | 25N42E | |
Spring Creek | Lower | SESE | 10 | 24N42E | |
Stole Creek | Stole Creek | Upper | SWSE | 4 | 24N42E |
Stole Creek | Lower | SESE | 9 | 24N42E | |
Sutherland Creek | Sutherland Creek | Upper | SWSW | 30 | 24N36E |
UT of Sutherland Creek | Upper | NWNE | 34 | 24N36E | |
Sutherland Creek | Lower | SWSW | 18 | 23N37E | |
Telegraph Creek | Telegraph Creek | Upper | SESE | 25 | 24N31E |
Telegraph Creek | Lower | NWNE | 6 | 22N31E | |
Two Calf Creek | Two Calf Creek | Upper | NENE | 22 | 22N21E |
Two Calf Creek | Lower | NWNE | 28 | 22N23E | |
UT of Musselshell River | UT of Musselshell River | Upper | NWSW | 17 | 19N29E |
UT of Musselshell River | Lower | SWNW | 30 | 19N30E | |
UT1 of Fort Peck Lake | UT1 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NWNE | 14 | 22N40E |
UT1 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | NENW | 2 | 22N40E | |
UT2 of Fort Peck Lake | UT2 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NENE | 17 | 24N41E |
UT2 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | SWNW | 21 | 24N41E | |
UT2 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NENE | 21 | 24N41E | |
UT2 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SWNW | 15 | 24N41E | |
UT3 of Fort Peck Lake | UT3 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NWSW | 35 | 26N42E |
UT of UT3 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | SENW | 34 | 26N42E | |
UT3 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SENW | 4 | 25N42E | |
UT4 of Fort Peck Lake | UT4 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NENE | 20 | 25N42E |
UT4 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SENE | 8 | 23N42E | |
UT5 of Fort Peck Lake | UT5 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | SENE | 21 | 25N42E |
UT of UT5 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | SENW | 22 | 25N42E | |
UT5 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SESW | 10 | 25N42E | |
UT6 of Fort Peck Lake | UT6 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NWNE | 19 | 25N41E |
UT6 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SESE | 24 | 25N41E | |
UT7 of Fort Peck Lake | UT7 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | SESE | 14 | 24N42E |
UT7 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | NWNE | 15 | 24N42E | |
UT8 of Fort Peck Lake | UT8 of Fort Peck Lake | Upper | NWSE | 13 | 24N42E |
UT8 of Fort Peck Lake | Lower | SENW | 24 | 24N42E | |
West Fork Sand Arroyo | West Fork Sand Arroyo | Upper | SENE | 9 | 24N43E |
West Fork Sand Arroyo | Lower | NESW | 20 | 24N43E | |
Wyatt Coulee | Wyatt Coulee | Upper | SWNE | 12 | 23N33E |
Wyatt Coulee | Lower | NESW | 22 | 23N34E |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives of the State of Montana and the United States have signed this Compact on the 11th day of May, 2015.
§ 85-20-1701, MCA