Mont. Code § 7-3-1203

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 7-3-1203 - General powers of consolidated government
(1) The inhabitants of every consolidated municipality organized under the provisions of this part and part 13, as its limits are at the time of such organization or as they may be thereafter established as provided by law, shall be a body politic and corporate under the designation and name as adopted at the election providing for such consolidation and merging and as such shall have perpetual succession; may use a corporate seal; may sue and be sued; may contract and be contracted with; may acquire property within or without the boundaries of the municipality for any municipal purpose, in fee simple or lesser interest or estate, by purchase, gift, devise, appropriation, lease, or lease with privilege of purchase and may sell, lease, hold, manage, and control such property as the interest of the municipality may require; may levy and collect such taxes as are authorized by this part or part 13 or by the general laws of the state; and except as otherwise provided in this part and part 13, such municipality shall have and may exercise all other powers that are now or hereafter may be conferred on counties, cities, and towns by the laws of this state.
(2) All powers of the municipality, whether expressed or implied, shall be exercised and enforced in the manner prescribed in this part and part 13 or in the general laws of the state or, when not so prescribed, then as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution of the commission.

§ 7-3-1203, MCA

En. Sec. 6, Ch. 121, L. 1923; re-en. Sec. 5520.6, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 11-3406.