Mont. Code § 17-6-603

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 17-6-603 - Montana tobacco settlement trust fund - state special revenue fund account
(1) Nine-tenths of the interest and income derived from the trust fund on or after January 1, 2001, must be deposited in an account in the state special revenue fund and is subject to appropriation in accordance with subsection (3). One-tenth of the interest and income derived from the trust fund must remain in the trust fund.
(2) In addition to the money required to be deposited in the trust fund as principal, the legislature may deposit additional money in the trust fund as principal.
(3) The legislature shall appropriate money from the state special revenue fund account provided for in subsection (1) for programs for tobacco disease prevention and for state programs that provide benefits, services, or coverage of health care needs.
(4) The money appropriated under this section may not be used to replace state or federal money used to fund programs for tobacco disease prevention or state programs in existence on December 31, 1999, that provide benefits, services, or coverage of health care needs.

§ 17-6-603, MCA

En. Sec. 3, Ch. 467, L. 2001.