Mont. Code § 10-1-1017

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 10-1-1017 - Enforcement and investigative powers of department

To carry out its enforcement and investigative duties under this part, the department has the power to:

(1) enter and inspect the places, question the employees, and investigate the facts, conditions, or matters that the department considers appropriate to determine whether an employer has violated or is about to violate the provisions of this part or that will aid the department in the enforcement of the provisions of this part; and
(2) administer oaths, examine witnesses, issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, inspect papers, books, accounts, records, payrolls, documents, and testimony, and take depositions and affidavits relevant to the department's duties under this part.

§ 10-1-1017, MCA

En. Sec. 12, Ch. 381, L. 2005.