- Section 565.020 - First degree murder, penalty - person under eighteen years of age, penalty
- Section 565.021 - Second degree murder, penalty
- Section 565.023 - Voluntary manslaughter, penalty - under influence of sudden passion, defendant's burden to inject
- Section 565.024 - Involuntary manslaughter, first degree, penalty
- Section 565.025 - [Repealed] Transferred
- Section 565.027 - Involuntary manslaughter, second degree, penalty
- Section 565.029 - Lesser degree offenses in homicide cases - instruction on lesser offenses, when
- Section 565.030 - Trial procedure, first degree murder
- Section 565.032 - Evidence to be considered in assessing punishment in first degree murder cases for which death penalty authorized
- Section 565.033 - Person under eighteen, sentencing - factors to be considered, jury instructions
- Section 565.034 - Person under eighteen, written notice filed to seek life without parole, procedure - withdrawal - trial procedure - required findings