Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 407.950 - Definitions
- Section 407.953 - Warranty express or implied, one year required
- Section 407.955 - Nonconformity of assistive device to be repaired at no cost
- Section 407.957 - Nonconformity not repaired within reasonable time, options of consumer
- Section 407.959 - Lease, early termination - reasonable allowance for use, how computed
- Section 407.961 - Consumer to receive comparable device or refund, procedure - lease unenforceable against consumer after refund
- Section 407.963 - Resale or lease of returned device, full disclosure required
- Section 407.965 - Arbitration of disputes may be submitted, filing fee, procedure - waivers of consumer's rights are void
- Section 407.967 - Action for damages, attorney's fees and costs may be brought by consumer
- Section 407.970 - Rules, procedure to adopt - suspension or revocation of rules, procedure