- Section 392.180 - What definitions to apply
- Section 392.185 - Purpose of chapter
- Section 392.190 - Application of sections 392.190 to 392.530
- Section 392.200 - Adequate service - just and reasonable charges - unjust discrimination - unreasonable preference - reduced rates permitted for federal lifeline connection plan - delivery of telephone and telegraph messages - customer - specific pricing - term agreements, discount rates
- Section 392.201 - Electronic publishing limitations - adoption of provisions - public service commission to administer - exception
- Section 392.205 - Public schools to have reduced rates
- Section 392.210 - Reports and records of telecommunication companies
- Section 392.220 - Rates, schedules, suspension of, when - revocation of certificate of service, penalty
- Section 392.230 - Charges for short and long distance service - power of commission to stay increased rates - hearing, requirements, small telephone company, requirements
- Section 392.240 - Rates - rentals - service and physical connections
- Section 392.245 - Companies to be regulated, when - maximum prices, determined how, changed how - classification - change of rates - nonwireless basic local telecommunications services, exempt from maximum allowable prices
- Section 392.246 - Petition for rate relief - relief to be granted, when
- Section 392.248 - Universal service board created, purpose, powers, duties, members - assessment, failure to pay, penalty - eligibility for funding - carriers of last resort - commission's duties - limited liability
- Section 392.250 - Power of commission to order repairs or changes
- Section 392.270 - Power of commission to ascertain valuation of property of telegraph and telephone corporations
- Section 392.280 - Depreciation account required - application for change, information required - ruling, when - minimum rates in lieu of fixed rates
- Section 392.290 - Right to issue stocks, bonds and notes is subject to regulation by state - exception - limitation on powers of commission
- Section 392.300 - Transfer of property and ownership of stock without consent of commission prohibited - impact of transfer on local tax revenues, information on to be furnished, to whom, procedure
- Section 392.310 - Approval of issues of stocks, bonds and other forms of indebtedness
- Section 392.320 - Certificate of commission to be recorded - stock dividends, permitted when
- Section 392.330 - Account for disposition of proceeds - issue void, when, exception - penalties - state not liable
- Section 392.340 - Reorganization
- Section 392.350 - Liability for loss or damage
- Section 392.360 - Forfeiture - penalties
- Section 392.361 - Classification of telecommunications company, services - procedure - effect of classification
- Section 392.370 - Transitionally competitive telecommunications services, classified when
- Section 392.380 - Applicability of law to competitive and transitionally competitive telecommunications companies and services
- Section 392.390 - Minimum requirements of telecommunications companies, reports to be filed with commission
- Section 392.400 - Noncompetitive telecommunication services, rates not to cover expenses of competitive services, exception - complaint may be filed by another company, purpose - commission may examine records, purpose
- Section 392.410 - Certificate of public convenience and necessity required, exception - certificate of interexchange service authority, required when - duration of certificates - temporary certificates, issued when - political subdivisions restricted from providing certain telecommunications services or facilities
- Section 392.415 - Call location information to be provided in emergencies - immunity from liability, when
- Section 392.420 - Regulations, modification of, company may request by petition, when - waiver, when
- Section 392.430 - Certificates to be approved, when
- Section 392.440 - Service authority, certificate of, approved when
- Section 392.450 - Requirements, approval of certificates - commission to adopt rules - modification, when - federal law not preempted
- Section 392.451 - State adopts federal exemption for certain rural telephone companies
- Section 392.455 - Commission to establish certification process
- Section 392.460 - Abandonment of service, commission must approve - definitions - carriers of last resort, relief from obligation, when, criteria, waivers - exemption for St. Louis County, St. Louis City, portions of Kansas City
- Section 392.461 - Exemption from certain rules, telecommunications companies
- Section 392.470 - Conditions, commission may impose, when - compensation to other companies, when, commission may order
- Section 392.475 - Prohibition of resale, when
- Section 392.480 - Services to be offered under tariff
- Section 392.500 - Changes in rates, competitive telecommunication services, procedure
- Section 392.510 - Tariffs, bands and ranges allowed, when, requirements
- Section 392.520 - Private shared tenant services, coin operated telephone services, regulation of
- Section 392.530 - Construction of provisions of the chapter
- Section 392.540 - Public service commission to promulgate rules on changes of telecommunications providers
- Section 392.550 - Interconnected voice over internet protocol service, registration required - charges to apply - procedure for registration - authority of commission