Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 374.788 - Apprehension standards for breach of surety agreement or absconding1. A bail bond agent having probable grounds to believe a subject free on his or her bond has failed to appear as directed by a court, has breached the terms of the subject's surety agreement, or has taken a substantial step toward absconding may utilize all lawful means to apprehend the subject. To surrender a subject to a court, a licensed bail bond or surety recovery agent having probable grounds to believe the subject is free on his or her bond may: (1) Detain the subject in a lawful manner, for a reasonable time, provided that in the event travel from another state is involved, the detention period may include reasonable travel time not to exceed seventy-two hours;(2) Transport a subject in a lawful manner from state to state and county to county to a place of authorized surrender; and(3) Enter upon private or public property in a lawful manner to execute apprehension of a subject.2. A surety recovery agent who apprehends a subject pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of this section shall surrender custody of the subject to the court of jurisdiction.3. When a surety recovery agent is in the process of performing fugitive recovery, a photographic identification card shall be prominently displayed on his or her person. L. 2004S.B. 1122
Effective 1/1/2005