Section 362.205 - Account books, requirements - property, how carried1. No bank or trust company shall by any system of accounting or any device of bookkeeping, directly or indirectly, enter any of its assets upon its books in the name of any other individual, partnership or corporation, or under any title or designation that is not truly descriptive thereof.2. The bonds and other interest-bearing corporate securities purchased by a bank or trust company shall be entered on its books at the actual cost thereof, and for the purpose of calculating the undivided profits applicable to the payment of dividends the securities shall not be estimated at a valuation exceeding their present cost as determined by amortization, that is, by deducting from the cost of the security purchased for a sum in excess of the amount payable thereon at maturity, and charging to profit and loss a sufficient sum to bring it to par at maturity, or adding to the cost of the security purchased at less than the amount payable thereon at maturity, and crediting to profit and loss a sufficient sum to bring it to par at maturity.3. No bank or trust company shall, except with the written approval of the director, enter or at any time carry on its books the real estate and the building or buildings thereon or the furniture and fixtures used by it at a valuation exceeding their actual cost to the bank or trust company, or book value, whichever is less.4. Every bank and trust company shall conform its methods of keeping its books and records to such orders in respect thereto as shall have been made and promulgated by the director pursuant to section 361.260.Prior revisions: 1929 § 5359; 1919 § 11742