- Section 354.552 - Community-based health maintenance organizations, requirements
- Section 354.554 - Standing referrals for certain members of community-based health maintenance organizations, when
- Section 354.556 - Trustees, vacancies, elections
- Section 354.558 - Materials provided to prospective purchasers
- Section 354.559 - Disclosure to members, restrictions and prohibitions
- Section 354.560 - Payment arrangements, department to adopt rules - disclosure of financial arrangements - confidentiality
- Section 354.562 - Grievance procedures, rulemaking authority
- Section 354.563 - Medicare rules to apply to community-based health maintenance organizations, when
- Section 354.565 - Community-based health maintenance organization designation given, when - revocation
- Section 354.567 - Community-based health maintenance organizations subject to other laws regarding health maintenance organizations
- Section 354.570 - Rulemaking - procedure
- Section 354.600 - Definitions
- Section 354.603 - Sufficiency of health carrier network, requirements, criteria - access plan filed with the department, when
- Section 354.606 - Providers notified of specific covered services, when - hold harmless provision - cessation of operations procedure - selection standards for health care professionals, filing with the department
- Section 354.609 - Termination of a contract, procedure
- Section 354.612 - Continuation of care after provider termination, when
- Section 354.615 - Referrals to appropriate providers, when
- Section 354.618 - Open referral health plans offered, when - definitions - obstetrician/ gynecologist services to be offered, when - eye care providers, discrimination against, prohibited - exemptions
- Section 354.621 - Intermediary and participating provider requirements
- Section 354.624 - Proposed provider contract forms filed with the director - contracts maintained at place of business, available for review, when
- Section 354.627 - Liability of a health carrier, when
- Section 354.636 - Contract requirements after January 1, 1998