Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 327.600 - Definitions
- Section 327.603 - License required to use title of professional landscape architect
- Section 327.607 - Examination - authority of board - may obtain services of specially trained persons
- Section 327.612 - Applicants for licensure as professional landscape architect - qualifications
- Section 327.615 - Application, form, content, oath or affirmation of truth, penalties for making false affidavit, fee
- Section 327.617 - Examination - appearance before the board - form, content, and duration of examination - passing grade fixed by the board
- Section 327.619 - Examination, failure to pass - reexamination, when
- Section 327.621 - License renewal, fee - failure to renew, effect - reinstatement when - renewal or reregistration form and fee
- Section 327.622 - Inactive license status permitted, when
- Section 327.623 - [Repealed]
- Section 327.629 - Licensure as professional landscape architect required to practice, exceptions
- Section 327.630 - Right to practice as professional landscape architect personal right and not transferable - may practice as member of partnership or corporation
- Section 327.631 - [Repealed]
- Section 327.635 - Laws not directive to state or political subdivision that they employ professional landscape architects