Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 281.005 - Preemption of all ordinances and rules of political subdivisions
- Section 281.010 - Short title
- Section 281.015 - Director of agriculture to administer
- Section 281.020 - Definitions
- Section 281.023 - Director may enter into cooperative agreements with political subdivisions
- Section 281.025 - Director may issue regulations - notice, how given - list of restricted use pesticides, adoption of - public hearings, when - rulemaking procedure
- Section 281.030 - Classification of licenses, how made - rulemaking powers - fees
- Section 281.035 - Certified commercial applicator's license required when, annual fee - application for license, how made - examinations - records to be kept - incapacity of sole certified applicator, effect of - display of license - change of address, notice
- Section 281.037 - Certified noncommercial applicator's license, when required - application for license, examination, fee - scope of license - records to be kept - display of license - change of address, notice
- Section 281.038 - Determination of need for use of pesticide, who may make - pesticide technician's license, application, requirements, fee
- Section 281.040 - Private applicator's license, qualifications for - training, review committee - duration, renewal - provisional license, automatic conversion to permanent license, when
- Section 281.045 - Certified operator license, when required - application, requirements, examination - maintenance of records - liability of governmental agencies - display of license - change of address, notice - volunteers, use of pesticides without a license
- Section 281.048 - Noncertified RUP applicator license - application, issuance and renewal, fee - authority of licensee, limitation by director, when - notification by licensee of changes - retraining - display of license
- Section 281.050 - Pesticide dealer's license required, fee, qualifications - grounds for suspension or revocation - restricted use of pesticides, sale or transfer, to whom, exception - records to be kept - change of address, notice of
- Section 281.055 - Late renewal of license, penalty, reexamination, when - director to provide guideline book, fee for book
- Section 281.060 - Sanctioning of license, when - civil penalty, when, amount, enforcement of
- Section 281.061 - Inspection with consent of owner of premises - search warrant to issue, when - director may bring action to enjoin, when
- Section 281.063 - Director may subpoena witnesses and documents, when
- Section 281.065 - Bond or insurance required, amount - deductible clause accepted, when - new surety, when - liability, effect of chapter on
- Section 281.070 - Damage claims to be filed with director, when due - duties of director - failure to file, effect of - investigation or hearing, powers of director
- Section 281.075 - Reciprocal licensing authorized, when
- Section 281.080 - Exemptions
- Section 281.085 - Pesticide containers, regulation of, handling of
- Section 281.090 - Stop orders, when - effect of
- Section 281.095 - Appeals, how taken
- Section 281.100 - Instructional courses, how conducted
- Section 281.101 - Unlawful acts
- Section 281.102 - Delayed effective date
- Section 281.105 - Penalty for violations
- Section 281.110 - Authorization to accept federal aid
- Section 281.115 - Director's rules, ratification of
- Section 281.116 - Inspectors for wood-destroying insects, licenses required
- Section 281.120 - Herbicides, use on crops not labeled for - definitions - civil penalties, when - complaint investigation - rulemaking authority