The attorney general, either on his own initiative or upon the request of the department or of any other state governmental agency having an interest in the matter, a resident or residents or the guardian of a resident of a residential facility or the head of a facility may petition for appointment of a receiver for such facility when any of the following conditions exist:
(1) The facility is being operated without a license;(2) The department has revoked the license of the facility or refused to grant an application for a license for the facility;(3) The department has initiated revocation procedures and has determined that the lives, health, safety, or welfare of the residents cannot be adequately assured pending a full hearing on license revocation;(4) The facility is closing or intends to close and adequate arrangements for relocation of residents have not been made at least thirty days prior to closure;(5) An emergency exists in the facility;(6) The licensee is insolvent; or(7) An owner of the land or structure is insolvent and such insolvency substantially affects the operation of the facility.