- Section 304.170 - Regulations as to width, height and length of vehicles - inapplicability, when - implements of husbandry defined - sludge disposal units
- Section 304.172 - Fire-fighting equipment exempt from size restrictions
- Section 304.174 - Size and load restrictions not applicable to wreckers, tow trucks, rollbacks and car carriers, when
- Section 304.180 - Regulations as to weight - axle load, tandem axle defined - transport of specific items, total gross weight permitted - requirements during disasters - specific vehicles, maximum weight
- Section 304.181 - Buses, axle weight limits
- Section 304.184 - Transportation of solid waste, weight restrictions for trucks and tractor-trailers
- Section 304.190 - Height and weight regulations (cities of 75,000 or more) - commercial zone defined
- Section 304.200 - Special permits for oversize or overweight loads - rules for issuing - when valid
- Section 304.210 - Reduction of maximum weight by highways and transportation commission - notice
- Section 304.220 - Weight limits on county roads and bridges reduced, when - penalty for violation
- Section 304.230 - Enforcement of load laws - commercial vehicle inspectors, powers
- Section 304.232 - Municipal law enforcement officers, state highway patrol to approve certification procedures - fees - requirements - random roadside inspections prohibited, when - rulemaking authority
- Section 304.235 - Commercial vehicles licensed for eighteen thousand pounds or less not to stop at weigh station or be otherwise identified - confidentiality rules do not apply to commercial vehicle enforcement officers, when - penalty for evading weigh station
- Section 304.240 - Violation of load law a misdemeanor - penalty - local log truck and local log truck tractor, violation, penalty
- Section 304.250 - Restriction on use of metal-tired vehicles - penalty
- Section 304.260 - Tractors exempt - designation of truck routes by commission