Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 210.001 - Department of social services to meet needs of homeless, dependent and neglected children - only certain regional child assessment centers funded
- Section 210.002 - [Repealed]
- Section 210.003 - Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions - duties of administrator, report - notification of parents, when
- Section 210.004 - Law enforcement agencies, record of custody of child
- Section 210.025 - [Repealed]
- Section 210.027 - Direct payment recipients, child care providers - department's duties
- Section 210.030 - Blood tests of pregnant women
- Section 210.040 - Blood test results - confidential
- Section 210.050 - Reporting required
- Section 210.060 - Noncompliance a misdemeanor - penalty
- Section 210.070 - Prophylactic eye drops at birth - objection to, when
- Section 210.080 - Report of infant eye inflammation, by whom
- Section 210.090 - Health officer to furnish copy of law to midwife - secretary of state to print same
- Section 210.100 - Violation a misdemeanor
- Section 210.101 - [Repealed]
- Section 210.102 - Coordinating board for early childhood established, members, powers - fund created
- Section 210.103 - Repealed
- Section 210.106 - Failure to use passenger restraint system not to be basis for civil actions - evidence inadmissible