An itinerant vendor shall not advertise, represent or hold forth a sale of goods, wares or merchandise as an insurance, bankrupt, insolvent, assignee, trustee, estate, executor, administrator, receiver, wholesale, manufacturers' wholesale, or closing out sale, or as a sale of any goods damaged by smoke, fire, water, or otherwise, unless before so doing he shall state, under oath, to the state director of revenue, either in the original application for a state license, or under a supplementary application subsequently filed and copied on the license, all the facts relating to the reasons and character of such special sale so advertised, held forth, or represented, including a statement of the names of the persons from whom the said goods, wares or merchandise were obtained, the date of delivery of the same to the persons applying for the license, the place from which said goods, wares and merchandise were last taken, and all details necessary to exactly locate and fully identify all goods, wares and merchandise to be sold.
§ 150.420, RSMo