Mo. Rev. Stat. § 32.087

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 32.087 - Local sales taxes, procedures and duties of director of revenue, generally - effective date of tax - duty of retailers and director of revenue - exemptions - discounts allowed - penalties - motor vehicle and boat sales, mobile telecommunications services - bond required - annual report of director, contents - delinquent payments - reapproval, effect, procedures
1. Within ten days after the adoption of any ordinance or order in favor of adoption of any local sales tax authorized under the local sales tax law by the voters of a taxing entity, the governing body or official of such taxing entity shall forward to the director of revenue by United States registered mail or certified mail a certified copy of the ordinance or order. The ordinance or order shall reflect the effective date thereof.
2. Any local sales tax so adopted shall become effective on the first day of the second calendar quarter after the director of revenue receives notice of adoption of the local sales tax, except as provided in subsection 18 of this section, and shall be imposed on all transactions on which the Missouri state sales tax is imposed.
3. Every retailer within the jurisdiction of one or more taxing entities which has imposed one or more local sales taxes under the local sales tax law shall add all taxes so imposed along with the tax imposed by the sales tax law of the state of Missouri to the sale price and, when added, the combined tax shall constitute a part of the price, and shall be a debt of the purchaser to the retailer until paid, and shall be recoverable at law in the same manner as the purchase price. The combined rate of the state sales tax and all local sales taxes shall be the sum of the rates, multiplying the combined rate times the amount of the sale.
4. The brackets required to be established by the director of revenue under the provisions of section 144.285 shall be based upon the sum of the combined rate of the state sales tax and all local sales taxes imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law.
(1) The ordinance or order imposing a local sales tax under the local sales tax law shall impose a tax upon all transactions upon which the Missouri state sales tax is imposed to the extent and in the manner provided in sections 144.010 to 144.525, and the rules and regulations of the director of revenue issued pursuant thereto; except that the rate of the tax shall be the sum of the combined rate of the state sales tax or state highway use tax and all local sales taxes imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, local taxing jurisdictions, except those in which voters have approved a local use tax under section 144.757, shall have placed on the ballot on or after the general election in November 2014, but no later than the general election in November 2022, whether to repeal application of the local sales tax to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that are subject to state sales tax under section 144.020 and purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer. The ballot question presented to the local voters shall contain substantially the following language:

Shall the _________ (local jurisdiction's name) discontinue applying and collecting the local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer?

Approval of this measure will result in a reduction of local revenue to provide for vital services for _________ (local jurisdiction's name) and it will place Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats, and trailers at a competitive disadvantage to non-Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats, and trailers.

[] YES

[] NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES". If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".

(3) If the ballot question set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection receives a majority of the votes cast in favor of the proposal, or if the local taxing jurisdiction fails to place the ballot question before the voters on or before the general election in November 2022, the local taxing jurisdiction shall cease applying the local sales tax to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer.
(4) In addition to the requirement that the ballot question set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection be placed before the voters, the governing body of any local taxing jurisdiction that had previously imposed a local use tax on the use of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors may, at any time, place a proposal on the ballot at any election to repeal application of the local sales tax to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer. If a majority of the votes cast by the registered voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal to repeal application of the local sales tax to such titling, then the local sales tax shall no longer be applied to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer. If a majority of the votes cast by the registered voters voting thereon are opposed to the proposal to repeal application of the local sales tax to such titling, such application shall remain in effect.
(5) In addition to the requirement that the ballot question set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection be placed before the voters on or after the general election in November 2014, and on or before the general election in November 2022, whenever the governing body of any local taxing jurisdiction imposing a local sales tax on the sale of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors receives a petition, signed by fifteen percent of the registered voters of such jurisdiction voting in the last gubernatorial election, and calling for a proposal to be placed on the ballot at any election to repeal application of the local sales tax to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer, the governing body shall submit to the voters of such jurisdiction a proposal to repeal application of the local sales tax to such titling. If a majority of the votes cast by the registered voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal to repeal application of the local sales tax to such titling, then the local sales tax shall no longer be applied to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer. If a majority of the votes cast by the registered voters voting thereon are opposed to the proposal to repeal application of the local sales tax to such titling, such application shall remain in effect.
(6) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the voters of any jurisdiction to repeal application of any state sales or use tax.
(7) If any local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer is repealed, such repeal shall take effect on the first day of the second calendar quarter after the election. If any local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer is required to cease to be applied or collected due to failure of a local taxing jurisdiction to hold an election pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, such cessation shall take effect on March 1, 2023.
(8) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if any local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer is repealed after the general election in November 2014, or if the taxing jurisdiction failed to present the ballot to the voters at a general election on or before November 2022, then the governing body of such taxing jurisdiction may, at any election subsequent to the repeal or after the general election in November 2022, if the jurisdiction failed to present the ballot to the voters, place before the voters the issue of imposing a sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that are subject to state sales tax under section 144.020 that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer. The ballot question presented to the local voters shall contain substantially the following language:

Shall the _________ (local jurisdiction's name) apply and collect the local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors that are subject to state sales tax under section 144.020 and purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer?

Approval of this measure will result in an increase of local revenue to provide for vital services for _________ (local jurisdiction's name), and it will remove a competitive advantage that non-Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats, and trailers have over Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats, and trailers.

[] YES

[] NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES". If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".

(9) If any local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer is adopted, such tax shall take effect and be imposed on the first day of the second calendar quarter after the election.
6. On and after the effective date of any local sales tax imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall perform all functions incident to the administration, collection, enforcement, and operation of the tax, and the director of revenue shall collect in addition to the sales tax for the state of Missouri all additional local sales taxes authorized under the authority of the local sales tax law. All local sales taxes imposed under the local sales tax law together with all taxes imposed under the sales tax law of the state of Missouri shall be collected together and reported upon such forms and under such administrative rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the director of revenue.
7. All applicable provisions contained in sections 144.010 to 144.525 governing the state sales tax and section 32.057, the uniform confidentiality provision, shall apply to the collection of any local sales tax imposed under the local sales tax law except as modified by the local sales tax law.
8. All exemptions granted to agencies of government, organizations, persons and to the sale of certain articles and items of tangible personal property and taxable services under the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525, as these sections now read and as they may hereafter be amended, it being the intent of this general assembly to ensure that the same sales tax exemptions granted from the state sales tax law also be granted under the local sales tax law, are hereby made applicable to the imposition and collection of all local sales taxes imposed under the local sales tax law.
9. The same sales tax permit, exemption certificate and retail certificate required by sections 144.010 to 144.525 for the administration and collection of the state sales tax shall satisfy the requirements of the local sales tax law, and no additional permit or exemption certificate or retail certificate shall be required; except that the director of revenue may prescribe a form of exemption certificate for an exemption from any local sales tax imposed by the local sales tax law.
10. All discounts allowed the retailer under the provisions of the state sales tax law for the collection of and for payment of taxes under the provisions of the state sales tax law are hereby allowed and made applicable to any local sales tax collected under the provisions of the local sales tax law.
11. The penalties provided in section 32.057 and sections 144.010 to 144.525 for a violation of the provisions of those sections are hereby made applicable to violations of the provisions of the local sales tax law.
(1) For the purposes of any local sales tax imposed by an ordinance or order under the local sales tax law, all sales, except the sale of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors required to be titled under the laws of the state of Missouri, shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business of the retailer unless the tangible personal property sold is delivered by the retailer or his agent to an out-of-state destination. In the event a retailer has more than one place of business in this state which participates in the sale, the sale shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business of the retailer where the initial order for the tangible personal property is taken, even though the order must be forwarded elsewhere for acceptance, approval of credit, shipment or billing. A sale by a retailer's agent or employee shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business from which he works.
(2) For the purposes of any local sales tax imposed by an ordinance or order under the local sales tax law, the sales tax upon the titling of all motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors shall be imposed at the rate in effect at the location of the residence of the purchaser, and remitted to that local taxing entity, and not at the place of business of the retailer, or the place of business from which the retailer's agent or employee works.
(3) For the purposes of any local tax imposed by an ordinance or under the local sales tax law on charges for mobile telecommunications services, all taxes of mobile telecommunications service shall be imposed as provided in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sections 116 through 124, as amended.
13. Local sales taxes shall not be imposed on the seller of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors required to be titled under the laws of the state of Missouri, but shall be collected from the purchaser by the director of revenue at the time application is made for a certificate of title, if the address of the applicant is within a taxing entity imposing a local sales tax under the local sales tax law.
14. The director of revenue and any of his deputies, assistants and employees who have any duties or responsibilities in connection with the collection, deposit, transfer, transmittal, disbursement, safekeeping, accounting, or recording of funds which come into the hands of the director of revenue under the provisions of the local sales tax law shall enter a surety bond or bonds payable to any and all taxing entities in whose behalf such funds have been collected under the local sales tax law in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for each such tax; but the director of revenue may enter into a blanket bond covering himself and all such deputies, assistants and employees. The cost of any premium for such bonds shall be paid by the director of revenue from the share of the collections under the sales tax law retained by the director of revenue for the benefit of the state.
15. The director of revenue shall annually report on his management of each trust fund which is created under the local sales tax law and administration of each local sales tax imposed under the local sales tax law. He shall provide each taxing entity imposing one or more local sales taxes authorized by the local sales tax law with a detailed accounting of the source of all funds received by him for the taxing entity. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state auditor shall annually audit each trust fund. A copy of the director's report and annual audit shall be forwarded to each taxing entity imposing one or more local sales taxes.
16. Within the boundaries of any taxing entity where one or more local sales taxes have been imposed, if any person is delinquent in the payment of the amount required to be paid by him under the local sales tax law or in the event a determination has been made against him for taxes and penalty under the local sales tax law, the limitation for bringing suit for the collection of the delinquent tax and penalty shall be the same as that provided in sections 144.010 to 144.525. Where the director of revenue has determined that suit must be filed against any person for the collection of delinquent taxes due the state under the state sales tax law, and where such person is also delinquent in payment of taxes under the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall notify the taxing entity in the event any person fails or refuses to pay the amount of any local sales tax due so that appropriate action may be taken by the taxing entity.
17. Where property is seized by the director of revenue under the provisions of any law authorizing seizure of the property of a taxpayer who is delinquent in payment of the tax imposed by the state sales tax law, and where such taxpayer is also delinquent in payment of any tax imposed by the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall permit the taxing entity to join in any sale of property to pay the delinquent taxes and penalties due the state and to the taxing entity under the local sales tax law. The proceeds from such sale shall first be applied to all sums due the state, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to all sums due such taxing entity.
18. If a local sales tax has been in effect for at least one year under the provisions of the local sales tax law and voters approve reimposition of the same local sales tax at the same rate at an election as provided for in the local sales tax law prior to the date such tax is due to expire, the tax so reimposed shall become effective the first day of the first calendar quarter after the director receives a certified copy of the ordinance, order or resolution accompanied by a map clearly showing the boundaries thereof and the results of such election, provided that such ordinance, order or resolution and all necessary accompanying materials are received by the director at least thirty days prior to the expiration of such tax. Any administrative cost or expense incurred by the state as a result of the provisions of this subsection shall be paid by the city or county reimposing such tax.

§ 32.087, RSMo

Amended by 2018 Mo. Laws, SB 773,s A, eff. 8/28/2018.
Amended by 2016 Mo. Laws, HB 2140,s A, eff. 8/28/2016.
Amended by 2013 Mo. Laws, SB 99,s A, eff. 7/5/2013.
Amended by 2013 Mo. Laws, SB 23,s A, eff. 8/28/2013.
Amended by 2013 Mo. Laws, HB 184,s A, eff. 8/28/2013.
L. 1991 H.B. 29 § 2, A.L. 1994 S.B. 477, et al., A.L. 2002 H.B. 1890, A.L. 2004S.B. 1394